linux - 如何限制从 grep 返回的结果数?

标签 linux bash unix sh

我想说 grep 最多 10 行。

我不想让我的电脑辛苦工作。我希望它在 grep 找到 10 个结果后停止。有可能吗?


-m 选项可能正是您要找的:

grep -m 10 PATTERN [FILE]

来自man grep:

-m NUM, --max-count=NUM
        Stop reading a file after NUM matching lines.  If the  input  is
        standard  input  from a regular file, and NUM matching lines are
        output, grep ensures that the standard input  is  positioned  to
        just  after the last matching line before exiting, regardless of
        the presence of trailing context lines.  This enables a  calling
        process  to resume a search.

注意:一旦找到指定数量的匹配项,grep 就会停止读取文件!

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