linux - 当您涉及软链接(soft link)时, "cd .."和 "pwd"究竟意味着什么?

标签 linux unix filesystems symlink


请参阅下面的 Unix 命令。 当我们处理软链接(soft link)时,从每个目录到根目录可以有多个路径。 那么这种情况下,pwdcd ..是怎么计算的呢?这意味着目录路径不再是无状态的,对吧?

$ cd ~
$ mkdir a b
$ cd a
$ ln -s ~/b b
$ cd b
$ pwd

$ cd ..
$ pwd



[myuser@test ~]$ pwd
[myuser@test ~]$ mkdir a b
[myuser@test ~]$ cd a
[myuser@test a]$ ln -s ~/b b
[myuser@test a]$ cd b
[myuser@test b]$ pwd
[myuser@test b]$ pwd -P 
[myuser@test b]$ echo $$ 
[myuser@test b]$ ls -l /proc/2432/cwd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 myuser myuser 0 Oct  4 04:10 /proc/2432/cwd -> /home/myuser/b
[myuser@test b]$ 
[myuser@test b]$ 
[myuser@test b]$ pwd
[myuser@test b]$ cd -P .. 
[myuser@test ~]$ pwd
[myuser@test ~]$ 
[myuser@test ~]$ env | grep "PWD"

请参阅 bash 手册中的选项 -P 到 cd:

-P      If set, the shell does not follow symbolic links when executing commands such  as  cd  that
                  change  the  current  working directory.  It uses the physical directory structure instead.
                  By default, bash follows the logical chain of directories when  performing  commands  which
                  change the current directory.

如您所见,内核保留的当前目录是您的真实目录(/proc/2432/cwd ->/home/myuser/b)但是 bash 可以做任何想做的事情,是否遵循符号链接(symbolic link), 因为 cd 是 bash 内部命令。

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