git flow - 如何开始在现有功能分支上工作

标签 git git-flow

我想开始在另一个开发人员的功能分支上工作(我们使用 git 和 git flow)。 AFAIK 该分支已发布(推送)。我怎样才能将它获取到我的本地存储库?


git flow feature pull origin/XXXXXX-1003b

fatal: 'origin/XXXXXX-1003b' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Failed to pull from remote 'origin/XXXXXX-1003b'.


git flow feature pull XXXXXX-1003b

fatal: 'XXXXXX-1003b' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Failed to pull from remote 'XXXXXX-1003b'.



git 流功能轨迹

要跟踪远程上的现有功能分支,请使用 feature track:

git flow feature track xxxxxx-1003b


git fetch origin
git branch -a # list all branches
git checkout feature/xxxxxx-1003b

即更新远程源,然后 check out 你同事的分支对应的分支。

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