git - ! [远程拒绝] 镜像 git 存储库后出现错误

标签 git repository mirror


git clone --mirror

cd repository-to-mirror.git

git push --mirror


 ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/1/head -> refs/pull/1/head (deny updating a hidden ref)
 ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/1/merge -> refs/pull/1/merge (deny updating a hidden ref)



this issue 中所述,当您镜像 GitHub 存储库时会发生这种情况,该存储库具有向其发出的 pull 请求

The refs beginning 'refs/pull' are synthetic read-only refs created by GitHub - you can't update (and therefore 'clean') them, because they reflect branches that may well actually come from other repositories - ones that submitted pull-requests to you.

So, while you've pushed all your real refs, the pull requests don't get updated

您需要 mirror a GitHub repo without their pull requests .

Simply replace the catch-all refspec above with two more specific specs to just include all heads and tags, but not the pulls, and all the remote pull refs will no longer make it into your bare mirror:

fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
fetch = +refs/change/*:refs/change/*

如果推送仍然失败,如commented通过 Ofek Shilon ,添加推送条目:

push = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
push = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
push = +refs/change/*:refs/change/*

Git Refspec 中所述:

The + tells Git to update the reference even if it isn’t a fast-forward.

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