linux - 从 git 中删除不存在的文件

标签 linux git symfony unix ubuntu

git status给出的信息有:

git status
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)



git rm "src/HomeBundle/Entity/\320Apartments.php"
fatal: pathspec 'src/HomeBundle/Entity/\320Apartments.php' did not match any files

git rm '"src/HomeBundle/Entity/\320Apartments.php"'
fatal: pathspec '"src/HomeBundle/Entity/\320Apartments.php"' did not match any files

rm '"src/HomeBundle/Entity/\320Apartments.php"'
rm: cannot remove ‘"src/HomeBundle/Entity/\\320Apartments.php"’: No such file or directory

rm "src/HomeBundle/Entity/\320Apartments.php"
rm: cannot remove ‘src/HomeBundle/Entity/\\320Apartments.php’: No such file or directory

git rm '"src//HomeBundle//Entity//\320Apartments.php"'
fatal: pathspec '"src//HomeBundle//Entity//\320Apartments.php"' did not match any files

git rm "src//HomeBundle//Entity//\320Apartments.php"
fatal: pathspec 'src//HomeBundle//Entity//\320Apartments.php' did not match any files

rm '"src//HomeBundle//Entity//\320Apartments.php"'
rm: cannot remove ‘"src//HomeBundle//Entity//\\320Apartments.php"’: No such file or directory




您正在使用 linux 终端,因此您可能正在使用 bash。尝试自动完成:

rm src/H<tab><tab>

  • 你写rm src/H然后按 Tab 键两次,它将完成到“src/HomeBundle”,然后添加“/E”并按 Tab 键两次。这将帮助您在必要时自动完成路径和转义字符。

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