git 尝试在 checkout 时删除目录

标签 git git-checkout

每当我在分支 (Li) 和主分支之间切换时,我都会收到以下消息:

Deletion of directory 'sys/console/api' failed. Should I try again? (y/n)



此错误信息来自this patch (在 compat/mingw.c 中)和 this one (也在 compat/mingw.c 中)。

因此请确保,在 checkout 分支时,您没有正在运行的进程使您的特定目录“繁忙”。

Ted M Young很有帮助comments :

Another definition of "busy" is that it's your current directory!
It seems safest to do a cd to the root directory and then change directories to avoid this error.

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