c - 错误 : function declared as function returning function

标签 c linux gnu porting

我正在将 Windows 程序集移植到 Linux。我有一些代码要移植。我实际上是 linux 中 C 的新手。我知道 C 基础知识是一样的!

typedef struct sReader
    pReaderAddRef addRef;
    pReaderDelRef delRef;
}pReader, *pSReader;

typedef long (*pReaderAddRef)(struct sReader *);
typedef long (*pReaderDelRef)(struct sReader **);

上面的代码给出了错误'pReaderAddRef' declared as function returning a function




虽然我不明白你原来的错误信息 - 我明白了

f.c:3:5: error: unknown type name ‘pReaderAddRef’
f.c:4:5: error: unknown type name ‘pReaderDelRef’

使用您的原始代码 -


struct sReader; // incomplete type, but ready to be used

typedef struct sReader pReader, *pSReader; // taken from your edit, but these prefixes are misleading

typedef long (*pReaderAddRef)(struct sReader *); // or mytypename
typedef long (*pReaderDelRef)(struct sReader **);

struct sReader
    pReaderAddRef addRef; // Now you can use them
    pReaderDelRef delRef;

关于c - 错误 : function declared as function returning function,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21475870/


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