来自 Wuala 的 java 堆空间错误

标签 java linux heap-memory


我正在使用 Wuala (www.wua.la),但它每隔几个小时就会终止,并出现标题为 java heap space 的错误,详细信息如下:

Build: Linux64 165
Loader: 2013-01-11
App:    Domain Application, user: reggler ([6657,21160,11])
    (Common Application Linux64 165), Olympus
Date:   30.08.2014 11:35:39 PDT
OS: Linux 3.13.0-34-generic amd64 unknown
Java: 1.7.0_65-b32  Oracle Corporation
Memory: 480.5 MB max    30.3 MB free    480.5 MB total
Assertions active: yes
Default Locale: en_CA
Local Host: regDesktopHome/
Running for: 3h 53min

Reporting thread: Thread[main,9,main]
obf.ey: Java heap space
    at obf.b.uncaughtException(Z:78)
    at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:1057)
    at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:1052)
    at java.lang.Thread.dispatchUncaughtException(Thread.java:1986)
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at gnu.trove.map.hash.TLongIntHashMap.rehash(TLongIntHashMap.java:181)
    at gnu.trove.impl.hash.THash.postInsertHook(THash.java:388)
    at gnu.trove.map.hash.TLongIntHashMap.doPut(TLongIntHashMap.java:222)
    at gnu.trove.map.hash.TLongIntHashMap.put(TLongIntHashMap.java:198)
    at obf.Ia.d(Z:46)
    at obf.Id.b(Z:78)
    at obf.If.c(Z:211)
    at obf.HH.a(Z:71)
    at obf.HF.kW(Z:254)
    at obf.HF.a(Z:225)
    at obf.JW.b(Z:37)
    at obf.Aq.Da(Z:140)
    at obf.Aq.run(Z:130)


java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at gnu.trove.map.hash.TLongIntHashMap.rehash(TLongIntHashMap.java:181)
    at gnu.trove.impl.hash.THash.postInsertHook(THash.java:388)
    at gnu.trove.map.hash.TLongIntHashMap.doPut(TLongIntHashMap.java:222)
    at gnu.trove.map.hash.TLongIntHashMap.put(TLongIntHashMap.java:198)
    at obf.Ia.d(Z:46)
    at obf.Id.b(Z:78)
    at obf.If.c(Z:211)
    at obf.HH.a(Z:71)
    at obf.HF.kW(Z:254)
    at obf.HF.a(Z:225)
    at obf.JW.b(Z:37)
    at obf.Aq.Da(Z:140)
    at obf.Aq.run(Z:130)


java.lang.Exception: stack where this report was generated
    at obf.ajU.fv(Z:324)
    at obf.ajU.<init>(Z:140)
    at obf.ajU.<init>(Z:90)
    at obf.aae.<init>(Z:39)
    at obf.aml.c(Z:775)
    at obf.aml.a(Z:341)
    at obf.aml.k(Z:191)
    at com.wuala.platform.Wuala.launch(Z:25)
    at com.wuala.loader3.Loader3.startInstance(Unknown Source)
    at com.wuala.loader3.Loader3.openRunningInstanceOrStartNew(Unknown Source)
    at com.wuala.loader3.Loader3.start(Unknown Source)
    at com.wuala.loader3.Loader3.main(Unknown Source)


回答 如果有人搜索这个,我从 Wuala 支持部门得到的答案是:

Thank you for your email.

You can increase the Java heap space memory in your preferences. Please open Edit -> Preferences -> General and increase the Memory limit. If you have 512 MB now, I would suggest allowing 1 GB of memory.

We hope Wuala suits your needs. If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Zoran Markich Wuala Support Team



我很好奇您是否能够在启动应用程序时使用 JVM 参数解决问题。

无论如何,我建议您在 Wuala 的社区论坛发帖,希望您能更快地得到回复。已经有问题了,不知道和你的问题有多大关系https://support.wuala.com/?bbp_search=java+heap+space&lang=en

关于来自 Wuala 的 java 堆空间错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25587723/


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