javascript - 使用javascript在浏览器中解析grep的结果

标签 javascript linux browser grep

我想在浏览器中解析 grep 命令的结果。 类似于 grep -nriI "hello"myFolder 结果是一个多行字符串:

/home/user/folder/file1:1:hello world
/home/user/folder/file2:1:world hello



  1. Parse 不适用于双点 (:) 等有趣字符的结果
  2. 当我 grep 一个文件时,我没有得到 pah:line number:content 但只有 line number:content 所以它使正则表达式更复杂(没有javascript 正则表达式中的命名组)。


我会制作一个 jsfiddle。


我的 grep(在 Ubuntu Linux 上)有一些可能有用的选项,尽管它们都不是 POSIX 标准。


   -Z, --null
          Output  a  zero  byte  (the ASCII NUL character) instead of the character
          that normally follows a file name.  For example, grep -lZ outputs a  zero
          byte  after  each  file  name  instead of the usual newline.  This option
          makes the  output  unambiguous,  even  in  the  presence  of  file  names
          containing  unusual  characters  like  newlines.  This option can be used
          with commands like find -print0, perl  -0,  sort  -z,  and  xargs  -0  to
          process arbitrary file names, even those that contain newline characters.


   -H, --with-filename
          Print the file name for each match.  This is the default  when  there  is
          more than one file to search.

所以使用 grep -nriIHZ 并将正则表达式更新为如下内容(未经测试):


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