git - 如何忽略已经提交的文件?

标签 git gitignore

以前,以下是我的 .gitignore 文件:



现在,我意识到我不需要 git 存储库中的 app_config.yml 文件。 我修改了我的 .gitignore 文件:


现在,当我提交时,app_config.yml 文件仍在我的存储库中。 我想从我的仓库中删除该文件。我该怎么做?


如“ignoring doesn't remove a file ”中所述
(以下引用Nick Quaranto的精彩文章,
在他的博客中git ready “一次学习 git”):

When you tell Git to ignore files, it’s going to only stop watching changes for that file, and nothing else.
This means that the history will still remember the file and have it

If you want to remove a file from the repository, but keep it in your working directory, simply use:

git rm --cached <file>

However, this will still keep the file in history.

If you actually want to remove it from history, you really have two options:

  • rewrite your repository’s commits, or
  • start over.

Both options really suck, and that’s for a good reason: Git tries hard not to lose your data.
Just like with rebasing, Git forces you to think about these kinds of options since they are destructive operations.

If you did actually want to remove a file from history, git filter-branch is the hacksaw you’re looking for.
Definitely read up on its manpage before using it, since it will literally rewrite your project’s commits. This actually is a great tool for some actions, and can do all sorts of stuff like totally removing an author’s commits to moving the project root folder around. The command to remove a file from all revisions is:

git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached <file>' HEAD

This action can definitely be useful when you need to blow out sensitive or confidential information that may have been placed in your repository

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