linux - 递归列出目录内容,并检查文件是否为目录

标签 linux assembly x86 nasm



但是,一旦我取消对 call scandir 行的注释以打开递归,它就会打印出一长串重复文件名(详见下文)。

另外,我想要一种方法来测试文件是否是一个目录。我该怎么做?据我所知,目前这不是问题,因为如果它不是目录,则对 scandir 的调用将不做任何事情就返回,但稍后检查可能会变得很重要(这似乎是一件好事无论如何)。

[SECTION .data]
DirName     db 'test', 0

[SECTION .bss]

[SECTION .text]

extern puts                  ; Externals from glibc standard C library
extern opendir               ; Externals from dirent.h
extern closedir
extern readdir

global main

    pushad                  ; Save caller's registers

    push eax                ; Directory is passed in eax
    call opendir            ; Open directory
    add esp, 4
    cmp eax, 0              ; opendir returns 0 on failure
    je .done

    mov ebx, eax            ; Move directory handle to ebx

        push ebx            ; Push directory handle
        call readdir        ; Read a file from directory
        add esp, 4          ; Clean up the stack
        cmp eax, 0          ; readdir returns 0 on failure or when done
        je .close

        add eax, 11         ; File name is offset at 11 bytes

        mov cl, byte [eax]  ; Get first char of filename
        cmp cl, 46          ; Ignore files and dirs which begin with a dot
        je .read            ; (., .., and hidden files)

        ;call scandir       ; Call scandir recursively
                            ; If file is not a dir opendir will simply fail

        push eax
        call puts
        add esp, 4

        jmp .read

        push ebx                ; Close directory
        call closedir
        add esp, 4
        jmp .done

        popad                   ; Restore caller's registers

    push ebp                ; Set up stack frame for debugger
    mov ebp, esp
    push ebx                ; Must preserve ebp, ebx, esi and edi
    push esi
    push edi
    ; start

    mov eax, DirName
    call scandir

    ; end
    pop edi                 ; Restore saved registers
    pop esi
    pop ebx
    mov esp, ebp            ; Destroy stack frame
    pop ebp


bar [directory]


[repeat 3 lines ~1000 times]
[repeat 3 lines ~1000 times]


[SECTION .data]
ParentDir   db '..', 0
CurrentDir  db '.', 0
DirName     db 'test', 0

[SECTION .bss]

[SECTION .text]
extern puts                 ; Externals from glibc standard C library
extern opendir              ; Externals from dirent.h
extern closedir
extern readdir
extern chdir

global main

    pushad                  ; Save caller's registers

    push eax                ; Directory is passed in eax
    call opendir            ; Open directory
    add esp, 4
    cmp eax, 0              ; opendir returns 0 on failure
    je .done

    mov ebx, eax            ; Move directory handle to ebx

        push ebx            ; Push directory handle
        call readdir        ; Read a file from directory
        add esp, 4          ; Clean up the stack
        cmp eax, 0          ; readdir returns 0 on failure or when done
        je .close

        add eax, 11         ; File name is offset at 11 bytes

        mov cl, byte [eax]  ; Get first char of filename
        cmp cl, 46          ; Ignore files and dirs which begin with a dot
        je .read            ; (., .., and hidden files)

        cmp byte [eax-1], 4
        jne .notdir

        push eax
        call chdir
        add esp, 4
        mov eax, CurrentDir
        call scandir        ; Call scandir recursively
        jmp .read

        push eax
        call puts
        add esp, 4

        jmp .read

        push ebx                ; Close directory
        call closedir
        add esp, 4

        push ParentDir
        call chdir
        add esp, 4

        jmp .done

        popad                   ; Restore caller's registers

    push ebp                ; Set up stack frame for debugger
    mov ebp, esp
    push ebx                ; Must preserve ebp, ebx, esi and edi
    push esi
    push edi
    ; start

    mov eax, DirName
    call scandir

    ; end
    pop edi                 ; Restore saved registers
    pop esi
    pop ebx
    mov esp, ebp            ; Destroy stack frame
    pop ebp


您的代码看起来几乎没问题。问题出在 readdir 返回的路径名上,您要将其用于下一个递归步骤。返回的路径名与当前工作目录无关。

test/ 目录包含名为 test 的文件时,您看到的大量输出。当您的循环看到该文件名时,您会将其传递给 opendir,这意味着您只需再次重新打开相同的 test/ 目录,导致无限递归,直到用完文件句柄。

解决这个问题的一种方法是在成功的 opendir 之后调用 chdir (并且 chdir 之后回到父目录closedir) 这样工作目录将始终指向您当前正在检查的目录。

Also, I'd like a way to test if the file is a directory or not.

readdir 返回的dirent 结构|有一个您可以检查的 d_type 成员(在偏移量 10 处):

call readdir
cmp byte [eax+10], 4    ; DT_DIR = 4
jne is_not_directory

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