javascript - `Either` 类型可以转换为 `Task` 类型吗?

标签 javascript functional-programming folktale

如果我有一个 Task,它有一个 Either err b 作为正确的(成功)值,我如何组合/合并/转换它们,以便成功值为可直接在 .fork() 中使用,而不是包裹在 Either 中?

const Task = require('data.task'); // folktale
const Either = require('data.either');

// eitherYayNay :: Bool → Either String String
const eitherYayNay = bool =>
  bool ? Either.Right('yay') : Either.Left('nay');

// theTask :: Bool → Task Either a b
const theTask = yn =>
  new Task((reject, resolve) => {
    // reject();

// niceTask :: Bool → Task a b
// ???

// the desired result...
  err => { 
    // err could be the left value of the Task, or of the Either
  val => { 
    console.log(val); // a string, not an Either



var Task   = require("data.task");
var Either = require("data.either");

   // eitherYayNay :: Bool -> Either String String
const eitherYayNay = bool =>
    bool ?
        Either.Right("yay") :

   // theTask :: Bool -> Task a (Either String String)
const theTask = bool => Task.of(eitherYayNay(bool));

   // niceTask :: Bool -> Task String String
const niceTask = bool => theTask(bool).chain(makeNice);

   // makeNice :: Either String String -> Task String String
const makeNice = either =>
    either.isRight ?
        Task.of(either.value) :

const fork = bool => niceTask(bool).fork(onError, onValue);

const onError = error => console.log("Error: " + error);

const onValue = value => console.log("Value: " + value);

fork(true);  // Value: yay
fork(false); // Error: nay


var eitherYayNay = function (bool) {
    return bool ?
        Either.Right("yay") :

var theTask = function (bool) {
    return Task.of(eitherYayNay(bool));

var niceTask = function (bool) {
    return theTask(bool).chain(makeNice);

var makeNice = function (either) {
    return either.isRight ?
        Task.of(either.value) :

var fork = function (bool) {
    return niceTask(bool).fork(onError, onValue);

var onError = function (error) {
    alert("Error: " + error);

var onValue = function (value) {
    alert("Value: " + value);

fork(true);  // Value: yay
fork(false); // Error: nay
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


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