git - 如何同步两个git仓库

标签 git offline-mode

我在不同的 PC 上有两个 git 存储库。我在他们每个人身上都有一些本地的分支机构。我不想将此分支发送到远程服务器,只是将它们保留在本地。那么如何在不使用网络的情况下进行同步呢?我可以只在一台 PC 上压缩存储库并移动到另一台吗?那安全吗?也许我可以以某种方式从每个分支导出最新的更改?


与其制作一个裸克隆,我更喜欢制作一个 bundle (参见“How can I email someone a git repository?”),生成一个文件,更容易复制(例如在 USB 内存棒上)


machineB$ git clone /home/me/tmp/file.bundle R2

This will define a remote called "origin" in the resulting repository that lets you fetch and pull from the bundle. The $GIT_DIR/config file in R2 will have an entry like this:

[remote "origin"]
    url = /home/me/tmp/file.bundle
    fetch = refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

To update the resulting mine.git repository, you can fetch or pull after replacing the bundle stored at /home/me/tmp/file.bundle with incremental updates.

After working some more in the original repository, you can create an incremental bundle to update the other repository:

machineA$ cd R1
machineA$ git bundle create file.bundle lastR2bundle..master
machineA$ git tag -f lastR2bundle master

You then transfer the bundle to the other machine to replace /home/me/tmp/file.bundle, and pull from it.

machineB$ cd R2
machineB$ git pull

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