git - 在 git 中,如何将我的标签与远程服务器同步?

标签 git git-tag

有没有办法让我的本地 git 标签与远程标签同步?也就是说——不仅在创建时获得新标签(像往常一样,在 fetch-ing/pull-ing 时),而且还会修剪不再在远程上的标签,并且当其他人 git push -f 的标签时删除现有标签。 我知道我可以 git fetch remotename 后跟 git remote prune remotename 来为分支实现类似的行为。


...also prune tags no longer on a remote

git fetch 使用 Git 2.17(2018 年第 2 季度)获取 摆脱本地持有的陈旧标签。

参见 commit 6317972 , commit 97716d2 , commit e249ce0 , commit 627a129 , commit d0e0747 , commit 2c72ed7 , commit e1790f9 , commit 59caf52 , commit 82f34e0 , commit 6fb23f5 , commit ca3065e , commit bf16ab7 , commit eca142d , commit 750d0da , commit 0711883 , commit ce3ab21 , commit aa59e0e (2018 年 2 月 9 日)Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason (avar) .
(由 Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- merge 于 commit c1a7902 ,2018 年 3 月 6 日)

fetch: add a --prune-tags option and fetch.pruneTags config

Add a --prune-tags option to git-fetch, along with fetch.pruneTags config option and a -P shorthand (-p is --prune).
This allows for doing any of:

git fetch -p -P
git fetch --prune --prune-tags
git fetch -p -P origin
git fetch --prune --prune-tags origin

Or simply:

git config fetch.prune true &&
git config fetch.pruneTags true &&
git fetch

Instead of the much more verbose:

git fetch --prune origin 'refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*' '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'

Before this feature it was painful to support the use-case of pulling from a repo which is having both its branches and tags deleted regularly, and have our local references to reflect upstream.

At work we create deployment tags in the repo for each rollout, and there's lots of those, so they're archived within weeks for performance reasons.

Without this change it's hard to centrally configure such repos in /etc/gitconfig (on servers that are only used for working with them). You need to set fetch.prune=true globally, and then for each repo:

git -C {} config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch "refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*" "^\+*refs/tags/\*:refs/tags/\*$"

Now I can simply set fetch.pruneTags=true in /etc/gitconfig as well, and users running "git pull" will automatically get the pruning semantics I want.

2021 年 4 月更新,适用于 Windows 的 Git 2.30.1 和 GitHub Desktop 2.8

如果您设置了 prune pruneTags 选项,它将起作用:

cd C:\path\to\local\repo
git config fetch.prune true
git config fetch.pruneTags true

然后在 GitHub Deskop 中单击 Fetch origin:日志将显示:

2021-04-28T20:25:21.244Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: 
  git -c credential.helper= -c protocol.version=2 fetch --progress --prune origin (took 2.986s)


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