Git rebase (Merge Squash) 我的功能分支到另一个分支

标签 git git-merge git-squash

我正在寻找一个 git 命令来帮助我处理我的功能分支,当它们准备好进入 Master 时。这个 git 命令会将我在分支上的所有更改压缩到 master 之上的单个提交中。我今天这样做:

git rebase origin/master
git rebase -i HEAD~4

其中 4 是压缩的提交数。但是,这需要我知道我有多少次提交。我今天通过运行来做到这一点:

git log HEAD...origin/master





git checkout feature_branch
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge --squash feature_branch

作为docs对于 git merge --squash 说:

Produce the working tree and index state as if a real merge happened (except for the merge information), but do not actually make a commit or move the HEAD, nor record $GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD to cause the next git commit command to create a merge commit. This allows you to create a single commit on top of the current branch whose effect is the same as merging another branch (or more in case of an octopus).

之后,您可以git commit您已经暂存的更改。

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