forms - Javascript 根据选择选项更改 <p> 内容

标签 forms select javascript

不是最好的 Javascript 所以我想问我哪里错了。

as the title suggests, I have a select box with 4 different options, when an option is selected I want to change the contents of a <p> id 为 pricedesc 的标签。这是我目前所拥有的。

function priceText(sel)
    var listingType = document.getElementById('listingtype');
    var priceDesc = document.getElementById('pricedesc');
    if ( sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == "Residential Letting" ) {
    priceDesc = "Enter price per month";
    else if ( sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == "Short Let" ) {
    priceDesc = "Enter price per week";
    else if ( sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == "Serviced Accommodation" ) {
    priceDesc = "Enter price per week";
    else if ( sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == "Sale" ) {
    priceDesc = "Enter for sale price";


在 body 里我有:

            <label>Listing Type:</label>
            <select name="listingtype" id="listingtype" onchange="priceText(this);">
                <option value="Residential Letting">Residential Letting</option>
                <option value="Short Let">Short Let</option>
                <option value="Serviced Accommodation">Serviced Accommodation</option>
                <option value="Sale">Sale</option>

            <p id="pricedesc">Enter price</p>
            <input name="price" type="text" id="price" value="<%=Request.Form("price")%>" maxlength="10" />





priceDesc = "Enter price per month";

priceDesc.innerHTML = "Enter price per month";

目前,您只是将 priceDesc 变量更改为包含字符串而不是段落节点。设置节点的 innerHTML 属性会更改其中包含的 html。 :D

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