git - 重新打包 Git 存储库失败

标签 git repository

我有一个 git 存储库驻留在内存有限的服务器上。 当我尝试从服务器克隆现有存储库时,出现以下错误

hemi@ubuntu:$ git clone ssh://
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/hemi/Skrivebord/articles/.git/'s password: 
remote: Counting objects: 666, done.
remote: warning: suboptimal pack - out of memory
remote: fatal: Out of memory, malloc failed
error: git upload-pack: git-pack-objects died with error.
fatal: git upload-pack: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.
remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed

为了处理这个错误,我尝试重新打包原始存储库(根据 this forum post )。但它没有重新打包存储库,而是描述了如何使用“git pack-objects”命令。

hemi@servername:~/repos/articles$ git repack -a -d --window-memory 10m --max-pack-size 100m
usage: git pack-objects [{ -q | --progress | --all-progress }]
        [--max-pack-size=N] [--local] [--incremental]
        [--window=N] [--window-memory=N] [--depth=N]
        [--no-reuse-delta] [--no-reuse-object] [--delta-base-offset]
        [--threads=N] [--non-empty] [--revs [--unpacked | --all]*]
        [--reflog] [--stdout | base-name] [--include-tag]
        [--keep-unreachable | --unpack-unreachable 
        [<ref-list | <object-list]

服务器上安装了 Git。



git config pack.windowMemory 10m
git config pack.packSizeLimit 20m

您可能想在本地存储库上执行相同的操作。 (顺便说一句,我猜想要么你的存储库非常大,要么这些机器内存很少 - 这些值对我来说似乎很低。)

值得一提的是,过去在重新打包非常 大型存储库时遇到 malloc 失败时,我还更改了 core.packedgitwindowsize 的值, core.packedgitlimitcore.deltacachesizepack.deltacachesizepack.windowpack.threads 但听起来好像您不需要任何其他选项:)

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