git - 什么是 Git 剪枝?

标签 git git-extensions

我不小心修剪了一些远程分支,我真的不知道这样做的后果是什么(我点击了 Git Extensions 中的“Prune remote branches”按钮,以为它会删除一个远程分支)。

官方文档说“git-prune - Prune all unreachable objects from the object database”。我真的不明白这是什么意思。我猜这可能已经删除了 merge 的分支,但我不太确定。


Git Extensions 中的“Prune remote branches”执行 git remote prune命令,它会删除您的本地远程跟踪分支,其中远程分支不再存在。


Deletes stale references associated with <name>. By default, stale remote-tracking branches under <name> are deleted, but depending on global configuration and the configuration of the remote we might even prune local tags that haven’t been pushed there. Equivalent to git fetch --prune <name>, except that no new references will be fetched.

See the PRUNING section of git-fetch for what it’ll prune depending on various configuration.

With --dry-run option, report what branches would be pruned, but do not actually prune them.

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