javascript - AmCharts 默认轴值

标签 javascript amcharts

我正在构建一个带有年龄范围的人口统计图表,它从 json 中获取年龄范围,唯一的问题是当值为空时,我的图表不显示任何内容,或者当有一个或两个值时, block 是巨大,它没有显示其他年龄段的任何东西,我想显示为空但仍然可见....


enter image description here

如您所见,它显示正常,但我想显示其他没有值的年龄范围,这可以通过 amcharts 中的选项实现吗?


[{"age":"45 - 64","male":-100,"female":50},{"age":"31 - 45","female":50}]

我的 amcharts Javascript

$.getJSON('<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>analytic/jobs_demographic_json', function(chartData) {
    AmCharts.makeChart("container2", {
        "type": "serial",
        "theme": "light",
        "rotate": true,
        "marginBottom": 50,

        "dataProvider": chartData,
        "startDuration": 1,
        "graphs": [{
            "fillAlphas": 0.8,
            "lineAlpha": 0.2,
            "type": "column",
            "valueField": "male",
            "title": "Male",
            "labelText": "[[value]]",
            "clustered": false,
            "labelFunction": function(item) {
                return Math.abs(item.values.value);
            "balloonFunction": function(item) {
                return item.category + ": " + Math.abs(item.values.value) + "%";
        }, {
            "fillAlphas": 0.8,
            "lineAlpha": 0.2,
            "type": "column",
            "valueField": "female",
            "title": "Female",
            "labelText": "[[value]]",
            "clustered": false,
            "labelFunction": function(item) {
                return Math.abs(item.values.value);
            "balloonFunction": function(item) {
                return item.category + ": " + Math.abs(item.values.value) + "%";
        "categoryField": "age",
        "categoryAxis": {
            "gridPosition": "start",
            "gridAlpha": 0.2,
            "axisAlpha": 0
        "valueAxes": [{
            "gridAlpha": 0,
            "ignoreAxisWidth": true,
            "labelFunction": function(value) {
                return Math.abs(value) + '%';
            "guides": [{
                "value": 0,
                "lineAlpha": 0.2
        "balloon": {
            "fixedPosition": true
        "chartCursor": {
            "valueBalloonsEnabled": false,
            "cursorAlpha": 0.05,
            "fullWidth": true
        "allLabels": [{
            "text": "Male",
            "x": "28%",
            "y": "97%",
            "bold": true,
            "align": "middle"
        }, {
            "text": "Female",
            "x": "75%",
            "y": "97%",
            "bold": true,
            "align": "middle"
        "export": {
            "enabled": true




您可以使用 AmCharts.addInitHandler()在构建图表之前预处理数据(用于填充缺失类别)的方法。


 * Custom pre-processor for data
 * This will kick in **before** the chart is built
 * We'll manipulate the data to add "missing" categories
 * The category list should be added as an array in `categories` setting
AmCharts.addInitHandler( function( chart ) {

  // is `categories` set?
  if ( typeof chart.categories === "undefined" )

  // build a new data set
  var data = [];
  for ( var i = 0; i < chart.categories.length; i++ ) {
    data.push( getDataPointByCategory( chart.categories[ i ] ) );

  function getDataPointByCategory( category ) {
    // if we find a category in data, we'll use this data point
    for ( var i = 0; i < chart.dataProvider.length; i++ ) {
      if ( chart.dataProvider[ i ][ chart.categoryField ] == category )
        return chart.dataProvider[ i ];

    // otherwise, we just initialize a new empty datapoint
    var dp = {};
    dp[ chart.categoryField ] = category;
    return dp;
  // assign new data
  chart.dataProvider = data;

}, [ "serial" ] );

 * Sample partial data
var chartData = [{
  "age": "45 - 64",
  "male": -100,
  "female": 50
}, {
  "age": "31 - 45",
  "female": 50

 * The chart
AmCharts.makeChart("container2", {
  "type": "serial",
  "theme": "light",
  "rotate": true,
  "marginBottom": 50,
  "dataProvider": chartData,
  "startDuration": 1,
  "graphs": [{
    "fillAlphas": 0.8,
    "lineAlpha": 0.2,
    "type": "column",
    "valueField": "male",
    "title": "Male",
    "labelText": "[[value]]",
    "clustered": false,
    "labelFunction": function(item) {
      return Math.abs(item.values.value);
    "balloonFunction": function(item) {
      return item.category + ": " + Math.abs(item.values.value) + "%";
  }, {
    "fillAlphas": 0.8,
    "lineAlpha": 0.2,
    "type": "column",
    "valueField": "female",
    "title": "Female",
    "labelText": "[[value]]",
    "clustered": false,
    "labelFunction": function(item) {
      return Math.abs(item.values.value);
    "balloonFunction": function(item) {
      return item.category + ": " + Math.abs(item.values.value) + "%";
  "categories": [
    "64 - 84",
    "45 - 64",
    "31 - 45",
    "20 - 31",
    "20 and younger"
  "categoryField": "age",
  "categoryAxis": {
    "gridPosition": "start",
    "gridAlpha": 0.2,
    "axisAlpha": 0
  "valueAxes": [{
    "gridAlpha": 0,
    "ignoreAxisWidth": true,
    "labelFunction": function(value) {
      return Math.abs(value) + '%';
    "guides": [{
      "value": 0,
      "lineAlpha": 0.2
  "balloon": {
    "fixedPosition": true
  "chartCursor": {
    "valueBalloonsEnabled": false,
    "cursorAlpha": 0.05,
    "fullWidth": true
  "allLabels": [{
    "text": "Male",
    "x": "28%",
    "y": "97%",
    "bold": true,
    "align": "middle"
  }, {
    "text": "Female",
    "x": "75%",
    "y": "97%",
    "bold": true,
    "align": "middle"
  "export": {
    "enabled": true

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="container2" style="width: 100%; height: 250px;"></div>

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