javascript - jQuery Tablesorter 分页按钮未触发

标签 javascript jquery tablesorter

我正在尝试使用 jquery.tablesorter.pager.js 向我的表格控件添加分页。

Javascript 文件

/*global my */

my.Views.EndingSoon = (function ($) {
"use strict";

var pagerOptions = {
    container: $("#pager"),
    output: '{startRow:input} – {endRow} / {totalRows} rows',
    updateArrows: true,
    page: 0,
    size: 10,
    savePages: true,
    storageKey: 'tablesorter-pager',
    pageReset: 0,
    fixedHeight: true,
    removeRows: false,
    countChildRows: false,
    cssNext: '.next', // next page arrow
    cssPrev: '.prev', // previous page arrow
    cssFirst: '.first', // go to first page arrow
    cssLast: '.last', // go to last page arrow
    cssGoto: '.gotoPage', // select dropdown to allow choosing a page
    cssPageDisplay: '.pagedisplay', // location of where the "output" is displayed
    cssPageSize: '.pagesize', // page size selector - select dropdown that sets the "size" option
    cssDisabled: 'disabled', // Note there is no period "." in front of this class name
    cssErrorRow: 'tablesorter-errorRow' // ajax error information row


var init = function init() {
            theme: 'blue',
            widthFixed: true,
            widgets: ['zebra', 'filter']


return {
    init: init


    <table class="tablesorter">
        <th>Auction Source</th>
        <th>Short Description</th>
        <th style="width: 100px">Current Price</th>
        <th style="width: 125px">Next Required<br />Bid Amount</th>
        <th>Number of Bids</th>
        <th>Auction End</th>
    @foreach (AuctionItem item in Model.AuctionItems)
            <td><a target="_blank" href="@item.AuctionItemURL" title="@item.FullDescription">@Truncate(string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ShortDescription) ? item.FullDescription : item.ShortDescription, 100)</a></td>
            <td>@(item.EndDateTime != DateTime.MinValue ? item.EndDateTime : item.Auction.AuctionEndDate)</td>
    <div id="pager" class="pager tablesorter-pager">
        <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/first.png")" class="first" />
        <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/prev.png")" class="prev" />
        <!-- the "pagedisplay" can be any element, including an input -->
        <span class="pagedisplay" data-pager-output-filtered="{startRow:input} &ndash; {endRow} / {filteredRows} of {totalRows} total rows"></span>
        <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/next.png")" class="next" />
        <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/last.png")" class="last" />
    <select class="pagesize">
        <option value="10">10</option>
        <option value="20">20</option>
        <option value="30">30</option>
        <option value="40">40</option>
        <option value="all">All Rows</option>
    <select class="gotoPage" title="Select page number">


bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquerytablesorter").Include(

共享 _Layout.cshtml 代码段



Scripts Folder

分页似乎“试图”工作,因为只显示前 10 行。但是,分页控件不会触发任何事件。

如果有帮助,我可以将我拥有的内容推送到该网站的 github 页面。




.tablesorterPager({container: $("#endingSoonPager")});

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