javascript - JavaScript 流密码的实现?

标签 javascript encryption

是否有任何可用于 JavaScript 的流密码的免费使用实现?

对 HC-128、Salsa20/12 或 SOSEMANUK 特别感兴趣,因为 The eSTREAM Project 推荐这些


Symmetric Cryptography in Javascript 的 D 部分指的是“Salsa20/12 的 Javascript 实现”,但我在他们的 github repo 上找不到实现。 .

We compared Javascript AES with a Javascript implementation of Salsa20/12 [20], one of the fastest eSTREAM ciphers. A native x86 implementation of Salsa20/12 is about 5 times faster than a native implementation of 128-bit AES. Surprisingly, Table VII shows that when both algorithms are implemented in Javascript, Salsa 20/12 is comparable in speed to AES. We believe that this discrepancy is primarily due to Javascript’s lack of 128-bit SIMD instructions or of 64-bit registers, and secondarily due to Salsa20/12’s larger state spilling to memory.

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