javascript - 谷歌地图 - 将光标更改为图像拾取偏移

标签 javascript css google-maps google-maps-api-3 mouse-cursor

我已将谷歌地图光标更改为我自己的图像。该图像具有一定的独特意义。该网站允许人们点击 map 上的某处,以在他们选择的确切纬度/经度处创建标记。



我试图在 photoshop 中使图像本身偏离中心,但没有成功。我查看了 google maps api,但没有弹出任何内容。



您可以在 找到实现它的基本公式

pixelCoordinate = worldCoordinate * 2zoomLevel

Get the worldCoordinate of the click, calculate the pixelCoordinate, add the offset , calculate the new worldCoordinate and you have the desired position.

You'll need two functions to convert LatLng's to Pixel(and vice versa):

fromLatLngToPoint() and fromPointToLatLng()


  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(e){      
       //assume a cursor with a size of 22*40

   var  //define the anchor, the base(top-left) is 0,0
        //bottom middle will be 11,40
       anchor         = new google.maps.Point(11,40),

        //the map-projection, needed to calculate the desired LatLng
       proj           = this.getProjection(),

        //clicked latLng
       pos            = e.latLng;

        //the power of the map-zoom
       power          = Math.pow(2,map.getZoom()),

        //get the world-coordinate
        //will be equal to the pixel-coordinate at zoom 0
       point          = proj.fromLatLngToPoint(pos),

        //calculate the new world-coordinate based on the anchor
       offsetPoint    = new google.maps.Point(
        //convert it back to a LatLng
       offsetPosition = proj.fromPointToLatLng(offsetPoint);


       new google.maps.Marker({ position:offsetPosition, map:map});


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