javascript - 出现错误时未调用 jQuery AJAX 错误回调

标签 javascript jquery ajax

我目前正在尝试对来 self 的服务器的 HTTP 413: Request entity too large 错误进行处理。我所做的是这样的:

    url: "submit.php",
    data: {
        "data": POSTData
    success: function(response, statusText, XHR) {
        console.log(XHR.status + ": " + response);
        resolve(); // resolve the promise and continue on with execution
    // Added this part:
    error: function(response, statusText, XHR) {
        if(XHR.status === 413) {
            // Request entity too large
            // To solve this we split the data we want to upload into several smaller partitions
            // and upload them sequentially

            console.log("Error 413: Request entity too large. Splitting the data into partitions...");

            // handling code below

            // blahblahblah
    method: "POST"

但是我的控制台没有触发错误回调,而是仍然抛出错误(它说是 413),就好像没有处理程序一样。我如何实现此功能?



根据这些文档,正确的签名是: 函数(jqXHR jqXHR, String textStatus, String errorThrown)

因此在您的情况下 XHR.status 不存在,因为您所谓的 XHR 实际上是一个字符串。


 error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    if(jqXHR.status === 413) {
        // Request entity too large
        // To solve this we split the data we want to upload into several smaller partitions
        // and upload them sequentially

        console.log("Error 413: Request entity too large. Splitting the data into partitions...");

        // handling code below

        // blahblahblah

我强烈怀疑错误回调正在被调用,但是因为你没有在 if 语句之外的代码,所以你没有看到任何东西。

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