javascript - 处理和返回多个 promise

标签 javascript ecmascript-6 promise es6-promise



// Method from API Class (layer for communicating with the API)
call() {
    // Return axios request BUT handle specific API errors e.g. '401 Unauthorized'
    // and prevent subsequent calls to `then` and `catch`

// Method from Form Class (used for all forms)
submit() {
    // Call the `call` method on the API class and process
    // the response.
    // IF any validation errors are returned then
    // process these and prevent subsequent calls to `then` 
    // and `catch`

// Method on the component itself (unique for each form)
onSubmit() {
    // Call the `submit` method on the Form class
    // Process the response
    // Handle any errors that are not handled by the parent
    // methods


// Method from API Class (layer for communicating with the API)
call() {

    // The purpose of this is to execute the API request and return
    // the promise to the caller. However, we need to catch specific
    // API errors such as '401 Unauthorized' and prevent any subsequent
    // `then` and `catch` calls from the caller

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then(response => {
                resolve(response); // Do I actually need to do this?
            .catch(error => {

                // Here we need to handle unauthorized errors and prevent any more execution...


// Method from Form Class (used for all forms)
submit() {

    // The purpose of this is to call the API, and then, if it 
    // returns data, or validation errors, process these.

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then(response => {

                // Process form on success

            .catch(error => {

                // Process any validation errors AND prevent
                // any further calls to `then` and `catch` from
                // the caller (the form component)

            .then(() => this.processing = false); // This MUST run

// Method on the component itself (unique for each form)
onSubmit() {
        .then(response => {

            // This should only run if no errors were caught in
            // either of the parent calls

            // Then, do some cool stuff...



  • 我如何捕获某些错误,然后防止从调用类/组件运行对 thencatch 的任何进一步调用?
  • 每次返回时是否真的需要创建一个新的 Promise
  • 我知道 axios.request 已经返回一个 Promise 但我不知道如何访问 resolvereject 方法而不用新的 Promise 包装它。如果这是错误的,请随时纠正...


首先:当您已经有一个可以使用的 promise 时,就不需要new Promise。因此,作为第一步,让我们修复(比如)调用:

call() {
    return this.axios.request(request)
        .then(response => {
            // ...
        .catch(error => {
            // ...

How do I catch certain errors, and then, prevent any further calls to then and catch from running from the calling class/component?

你不知道。如果你要返回一个 promise ,它必须解决(解决或拒绝)。两者都涉及后续处理程序的运行。 promise 就是: promise 您将提供一个值(解决方案)或一个错误(拒绝)。

您可能遗漏了一个关键概念(很多人都遗漏了!)是 thencatch 返回 new promise ,这些 promise 已解决/根据他们的处理者的行为被拒绝。

您可以使用 catch 处理程序来:

  1. 化拒绝为决心
  2. 将一个错误的拒绝转化为另一个错误的拒绝
  3. 结果完全基于另一个 promise 的结果


您可以使用 then 处理程序来:

  1. 将一个值的分辨率转换为另一个值的分辨率
  2. 将决议转化为拒绝
  3. 结果完全基于另一个 promise 的结果


.catch(error => {
   if (/*...the error can be corrected...*/) {
        return valueFromCorrectingTheProblem;
   throw error; // Couldn't correct it

如果您返回一个值(或解析的 promise ),则 catch 返回的 promise 将使用该值解析。如果您抛出(或返回拒绝的 promise ),则 catch 返回的 promise 将拒绝。

Is it actually necessary to create a new Promise each time I return one?

不,见上文。 (好问题。)

I know that axios.request already returns a Promise but I don't know how to access the resolve and reject methods without wrapping it with a new Promise.

你没有;你使用 thencatch。他们返回一个新的 promise ,该 promise 将根据处理程序中发生的事情被解决/拒绝。

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