javascript - 容忍 。和 [^...] 在/RegExp/

标签 javascript jslint


“在/RegExp/中容忍 . 和 [^...]”。

为什么在正则表达式中使用 .^ 不好?


来自 the JSLint documentation :

They match more material than might be expected, allowing attackers to confuse applications. These forms should not be used when validating in secure applications.

这似乎是基于一种哲学,即明确允许的内容,而不是使用 允许任何内容(包括多字节和非打印字符)。 或允许除 x、y 和 z 之外的任何内容( [^…] 表示)

来自 the JSLint mailing list :

The rationale behind this is that some people don't understand what . and [^...] mean in regular expressions, so it causes their code to either accept something as valid when it isn't, or reject something that's valid.

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