javascript - IndexedDB 用户权限

标签 javascript indexeddb


我在这个页面上读到 [使用 IndexedDB]:


The most likely problem is that the user decided not to give your web app permission to create a database. One of the main design goals of IndexedDB is to allow large amounts of data to be stored for offline use. (To learn more about how much storage you can have for each browser, see Storage limits.)

Obviously, browsers do not want to allow some advertising network or malicious website to pollute your computer, so browsers prompt the user the first time any given web app attempts to open an IndexedDB for storage. The user can choose to allow or deny access.

但是,在我的本地主机上进行测试时,Firefox 和 Google Chrome 都没有征求我的许可。并且数据库已成功创建(似乎。)




这篇文章已经过时了。根据您使用 IndexedDB 的方式,you might never get a prompt ,但这取决于浏览器,并且将来可能会发生变化。

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