javascript - 在 d3 中制作动画弧响应?

标签 javascript d3.js responsive-design raphael


我想知道是否有任何方法可以使它具有响应性,以便大小随着浏览器窗口大小的调整而变化?或者使用 raphael.js 会更容易吗?


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>

var width = 960,
height = 500,
τ = 2 * Math.PI; //

// An arc function with all values bound except the endAngle. So, to compute an
// SVG path string for a given angle, we pass an object with an endAngle
// property to the `arc` function, and it will return the corresponding string.
var arc = d3.svg.arc()

// Create the SVG container, and apply a transform such that the origin is the
// center of the canvas. This way, we don't need to position arcs individually.
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")")

// Add the background arc, from 0 to 100% (τ).
var background = svg.append("path")
.datum({endAngle: τ})
.style("fill", "#ddd")
.attr("d", arc);

// Add the foreground arc in orange, currently showing 12.7%.
var foreground = svg.append("path")
.datum({endAngle: .127 * τ})
.style("fill", "orange")
.attr("d", arc);

// Every so often, start a transition to a new random angle. Use
// (identical to so that we can encapsulate the logic for
// tweening the arc in a separate function below.
setInterval(function() {
.call(arcTween, Math.random() * τ);
}, 1500);

// Creates a tween on the specified transition's "d" attribute, transitioning
// any selected arcs from their current angle to the specified new angle.
function arcTween(transition, newAngle) {

// The function passed to attrTween is invoked for each selected element when
// the transition starts, and for each element returns the interpolator to use
// over the course of transition. This function is thus responsible for
// determining the starting angle of the transition (which is pulled from the
// element's bound datum, d.endAngle), and the ending angle (simply the
// newAngle argument to the enclosing function).
transition.attrTween("d", function(d) {

// To interpolate between the two angles, we use the default d3.interpolate.
// (Internally, this maps to d3.interpolateNumber, since both of the
// arguments to d3.interpolate are numbers.) The returned function takes a
// single argument t and returns a number between the starting angle and the
// ending angle. When t = 0, it returns d.endAngle; when t = 1, it returns
// newAngle; and for 0 < t < 1 it returns an angle in-between.
var interpolate = d3.interpolate(d.endAngle, newAngle);

// The return value of the attrTween is also a function: the function that
// we want to run for each tick of the transition. Because we used
// attrTween("d"), the return value of this last function will be set to the
// "d" attribute at every tick. (It's also possible to use transition.tween
// to run arbitrary code for every tick, say if you want to set multiple
// attributes from a single function.) The argument t ranges from 0, at the
// start of the transition, to 1, at the end.
return function(t) {

// Calculate the current arc angle based on the transition time, t. Since
// the t for the transition and the t for the interpolate both range from
// 0 to 1, we can pass t directly to the interpolator.
// Note that the interpolated angle is written into the element's bound
// data object! This is important: it means that if the transition were
// interrupted, the data bound to the element would still be consistent
// with its appearance. Whenever we start a new arc transition, the
// correct starting angle can be inferred from the data.
d.endAngle = interpolate(t);

// Lastly, compute the arc path given the updated data! In effect, this
// transition uses data-space interpolation: the data is interpolated
// (that is, the end angle) rather than the path string itself.
// Interpolating the angles in polar coordinates, rather than the raw path
// string, produces valid intermediate arcs during the transition.
return arc(d);



让 SVG 适应窗口大小有两种选择。

第一个选项是让“可缩放矢量图形”的“可缩放”方面为您完成这项工作。使用相对单位(百分比或视口(viewport)单位)或使用 CSS 媒体查询来设置 SVG 大小以适应屏幕大小。然后将 viewBox 属性添加到您的 SVG 中,使图像缩放以适应您放入的任何大小的框。限制是所有均等缩放,这会导致非常如果图形大小变化很大,则使用大文本标签或非常小的文本标签。好处是调整大小完全独立于您的代码和图形中的任何动画。



var svg ="body").append("svg")
    .attr("height", "100%") //or use CSS
    .attr("width", "100%")
          "0 0 " + (margin.left + diameter + margin.right) +
          " " + ( + diameter + margin.bottom) )
        //"0 0 160 120" -- defines relative units for drawing
        //(0,0) for top left corner coordinates, 
        //then width and height.
    .attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet");
       //maintain aspect ratio from viewBox dimensions;
       //If they don't match svg dimensions, scale down to
       //fit the entire viewbox within the svg (meet);
       //center it vertically and horizontally (xMidYMid)

请注意,文本的大小始终与圆环成比例,就像圆环的直径为 100 像素一样。此外,文本过渡只是新旧位置之间的直线过渡。

第二个选项 是监听窗口调整大小事件,查询 svg 大小,然后触发重绘。绘图函数中的所有尺寸变量都必须适本地缩放到尺寸。此外,您必须考虑在转换期间发生调整大小事件的可能性。自定义 arc tween 实际上使这更容易,因为它在过渡的每个刻度处调用 arc 函数;通过更改 arc 函数的参数,补间结果也会自动更改。

arc tween 演示中此方法的示例:


function setSize() {
    var svgStyles = window.getComputedStyle(svg.node());
    diameter = Math.min(
                    - margin.left - margin.right), 
                    - - margin.bottom) );

       .innerRadius(diameter/2 - ringThickness);

          "translate(" + (margin.left + diameter/2) + ","
          + ( + diameter/2) + ")"); 
    background.attr("d", arc);

    if(!transitioning) {
        //don't interrupt an ongoing transition --
        //it will automatically adjust
        //because we've modified the arc function;
        //note that we've created a custom tween
        //for the label, so it will adjust too.

        foreground.attr("d", arc);
        label.attr("transform", function(d) {
            return "translate("+arc.centroid(d)+")" 
    //Note that we're not transitioning the change
    //in diameter; it isn't necessary since there
    //will be multiple resize events creating a smooth
    //shift in size.
setSize(); //initialize

//adapt size to window changes:
window.addEventListener("resize", setSize, false)

饼图的另一个好处是大小实际上只设置一次,在 arc 函数的 outerRadius 中。对于更复杂的布局重绘,您需要使用比例来确定位置和大小。 this answer on zooming的最终例子显示缩放比例。


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