java - Java 中的双重检查锁定问题

标签 java multithreading synchronization thread-safety


其中一篇文章提到了 “Double Check Locking” 的问题。请看下面的例子

public class MyBrokenFactory {
  private static MyBrokenFactory instance;
  private int field1, field2 ...

  public static MyBrokenFactory getFactory() {
    // This is incorrect: don't do it!
    if (instance == null) {
      synchronized (MyBrokenFactory.class) {
        if (instance == null)
          instance = new MyBrokenFactory();
    return instance;

  private MyBrokenFactory() {
    field1 = ...
    field2 = ...


Thread 1: 'gets in first' and starts creating instance.

1. Is instance null? Yes.
2. Synchronize on class.
3. Memory is allocated for instance.
4. Pointer to memory saved into instance.

[[Thread 2]]

7. Values for field1 and field2 are written
to memory allocated for object.

Thread 2: gets in just as Thread 1 has written the object reference
to memory, but before it has written all the fields.

5. Is instance null? No.
6. instance is non-null, but field1 and field2 haven't yet been set!
   This thread sees invalid values for field1 and field2!

由于新实例(new MyBrokenFactory())的创建是从synchronized block 中完成的,在整个初始化完成之前(private MyBrokenFactory()完全执行)是否会释放锁?

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Thread 2: gets in just as Thread 1 has written the object reference to memory, but before it has written all the fields.

Is instance null? No.

没有同步,线程 2 可能 instance 视为null,即使线程 1 已经写入了它。请注意,instance 的第一次检查是在 synchronized block 之外:

if (instance == null) {
  synchronized (MyBrokenFactory.class) {

由于第一次检查是在 block 外完成的,因此无法保证线程 2 会看到 instance 的正确值。

我不知道你想用 field1field2 做什么,你甚至都没有写过它们。


As the creation of the new instance(new MyBrokenFactory()) is done from the synchronized block

我认为您要问的是两个实例字段 field1field2 是否保证可见。答案是否定的,问题与 instance 相同。因为您不从同步块(synchronized block)中读取 instance,所以无法保证这些实例字段将被正确读取。如果 instance 不为空,则永远不会进入 synchronized block ,因此不会发生同步。

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