java - 计算贝塞尔剪裁中的距离函数时遇到问题

标签 java graphics geometry processing bezier

我正在尝试实现一个称为bezier裁剪的曲线兴趣剖分算法,这在this article结尾的一节中有描述(尽管文章称之为“肥线裁剪”)。我一直在关注文章和示例的源代码(可用here)。
注:其他来源包括this paper。如果我能找到的话,会贴更多的。
根据我的理解(这很可能是错误的),定义距离函数的过程包括以xa+yb+c=0的形式表示曲线2的基线,其中a2+b2=1。这些系数是通过重新排列y=u x+v形式的直线项获得的,其中u等于斜率,x和y是基线上的任意点。公式可以重新排列,得到v:v=y-ux。重新排列公式,我们得到-u*x+1*y-v=0,其中a=-u,b=1和c=-v。为确保条件a2+b2=1,系数除以一个math.sqrt(uu+1)标量。然后将该线的表示替换为另一条曲线的函数(与基线无关的曲线)以获得距离函数。该距离函数表示为Bezier曲线,其中y= API x+b*pi y+c和x=(1 -t)x1+tx2,其中t等于0, 1/3, 2/3,3m x1和x2是基线的端点,而皮是Curv1的控制点。

 * Set up four points, to form a cubic curve, and a static curve that is used for intersection checks
void setupPoints()
points = new Point[4];
points[0] = new Point(85,30);
points[1] = new Point(180,50);
points[2] = new Point(30,155);
points[3] = new Point(130,160);

curve = new Bezier3(175,25,  55,40,  140,140,  85,210);


flcurve = new Bezier3(points[0].getX(), points[0].getY(),
                                        points[1].getX(), points[1].getY(),
                                        points[2].getX(), points[2].getY(),
                                        points[3].getX(), points[3].getY());


void drawClipping()
    double[] bounds = flcurve.getBoundingBox();

    // get the distances from C1's baseline to the two other lines
    Point p0 = flcurve.points[0];
    // offset distances from baseline
    double dx = p0.x - bounds[0];
    double dy = p0.y - bounds[1];
    double d1 = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
    dx = p0.x - bounds[2];
    dy = p0.y - bounds[3];
    double d2 = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);


    double a, b, c;
a = dy / dx;
b = -1;
c = -(a * flcurve.points[0].x - flcurve.points[0].y);
// normalize so that a² + b² = 1
double scale = sqrt(a*a+b*b);
a /= scale; b /= scale; c /= scale;     

// set up the coefficients for the Bernstein polynomial that
// describes the distance from curve 2 to curve 1's baseline
double[] coeff = new double[4];
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { coeff[i] = a*curve.points[i].x + b*curve.points[i].y + c; }
double[] vals = new double[4];
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { vals[i] = computeCubicBaseValue(i*(1/3), coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2], coeff[3]); }



// draw the distance Bezier function
double range = 200;
for(float t = 0; t<1.0; t+=1.0/range) {
    double y = computeCubicBaseValue(t, coeff[0], coeff[1], coeff[2], coeff[3]);
    params.drawPoint(t*range, y, 0,0,0,255); }




 * compute the value for the cubic bezier function at time=t
double computeCubicBaseValue(double t, double a, double b, double c, double d) {
double mt = 1-t;
return mt*mt*mt*a + 3*mt*mt*t*b + 3*mt*t*t*c + t*t*t*d; }

package bezierclippingdemo2;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class ReplicateBezierClippingPanel extends JPanel {

CubicCurveExtended curve1, curve2;

public ReplicateBezierClippingPanel(CubicCurveExtended curve1, CubicCurveExtended curve2) {

    this.curve1 = curve1;
    this.curve2 = curve2;


public void paint(Graphics g) {

    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
    g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));


public void drawCurve1(Graphics2D g2d) {

    double range = 200;

    double t = 0;

    double prevx = curve1.x1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t) + 3*curve1.ctrlx1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t + 3*curve1.ctrlx2*(1 - t)*t*t + curve1.x2*t*t*t;
    double prevy = curve1.y1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t) + 3*curve1.ctrly1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t + 3*curve1.ctrly2*(1 - t)*t*t + curve1.y2*t*t*t;

    for(t += 1.0/range; t < 1.0; t += 1.0/range) {

        double x = curve1.x1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t) + 3*curve1.ctrlx1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t + 3*curve1.ctrlx2*(1 - t)*t*t + curve1.x2*t*t*t;
        double y = curve1.y1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t) + 3*curve1.ctrly1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t + 3*curve1.ctrly2*(1 - t)*t*t + curve1.y2*t*t*t;

        g2d.draw(new LineExtended(prevx, prevy, x, y));

        prevx = x;
        prevy = y;



public void drawCurve2(Graphics2D g2d) {

    double range = 200;

    double t = 0;

    double prevx = curve2.x1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t) + 3*curve2.ctrlx1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t + 3*curve2.ctrlx2*(1 - t)*t*t + curve2.x2*t*t*t;
    double prevy = curve2.y1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t) + 3*curve2.ctrly1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t + 3*curve2.ctrly2*(1 - t)*t*t + curve2.y2*t*t*t;

    for(t += 1.0/range; t < 1.0; t += 1.0/range) {

        double x = curve2.x1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t) + 3*curve2.ctrlx1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t + 3*curve2.ctrlx2*(1 - t)*t*t + curve2.x2*t*t*t;
        double y = curve2.y1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t) + 3*curve2.ctrly1*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t + 3*curve2.ctrly2*(1 - t)*t*t + curve2.y2*t*t*t;

        g2d.draw(new LineExtended(prevx, prevy, x, y));

        prevx = x;
        prevy = y;



public void drawDistanceFunction(Graphics2D g2d) {

    double a = (curve1.y2 - curve1.y1)/(curve1.x2 - curve1.x1);
    double b = -1;
    double c = -(a*curve1.x1 - curve1.y1);

    double scale = Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b);

    a /= scale;
    b /= scale;
    c /= scale;

    double y1 = a*curve2.x1 + b*curve2.y1 + c;
    double y2 = a*curve2.ctrlx1 + b*curve2.ctrly1 + c;
    double y3 = a*curve2.ctrlx1 + b*curve2.ctrly2 + c;
    double y4 = a*curve2.x2 + b*curve2.y2 + c;

    double range = 200;
    double t = 0;
    double prevx = t*range;
    double prevy = (1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*y1 + 3*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t*y2 + 3*(1 - t)*t*t*y3 + t*t*t*y4;

    for(t += 1.0/range; t < 1.0; t += 1.0/range) {

        double x = t*range;
        double y = (1 - t)*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*y1 + 3*(1 - t)*(1 - t)*t*y2 + 3*(1 - t)*t*t*y3 + t*t*t*y4;

        g2d.draw(new LineExtended(prevx, prevy, x, y));

        prevx = x;
        prevy = y;






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