java - 让 WebDriver 在没有 ExpectedCondition 的情况下等待

标签 java selenium firefox selenium-webdriver

Java/Selenium WebDriver/火狐

There is a text 'Input' field on a page. Then there is a 'Submit' button below it. Both the input field as well as the Submit button are already enabled when the page is loaded. After entering text in the input field, is there a way to make the WebDriver wait for 'x' seconds before clicking on Submit button, instead of clicking it right away.

The option I can see is Thread.sleep(x) which I understand is not an efficient way. The other option is using new WebDriverWait(driver,'x') without the Expected Conditions (as there is no Expected condition here as the Submit button is already visible and clickable). In this context, is this the same as using Thread.sleep(x)? Is there any other option?


Selenium waits旨在等待特定条件。 Implicit wait 等待元素存在于 driver.findElement() 的 DOM 中,explicit wait 等待 ExpectedCondition true


您可以通过一些操作使代码在没有线程的情况下“hibernate ”

WebDriverWait tempWait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); // define local/temp wait only for the "sleep"
try {
    tempWait.until(ExpectedCondition); // condition you are certain won't be true
catch (TimeoutException) {
    continue; // catch the exception and continue the code
// continue the code

这将导致代码模拟“ sleep ”10 秒(代码不会继续,但 tempWait.until 将重复检查是否满足 ExpectedCondition ).

这是肮脏的工作,甚至比 Thread.sleep() 效率更低。如果目的是等待一段时间而不考虑网络状况,我建议您使用 Thread.sleep()

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