java - 试图让游戏运行,循环条件

标签 java arrays loops for-loop break


我有一个二维数组,组成一个 char 元素板。我必须从底部拍摄一张带有“·”的照片。射击从底部 (a.length-1) 到顶部 (0),根据射击方向在墙上弹跳。

if (dirDisp == 3){
            for(int x = 3, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 2; x++, y++) {
                if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] == EMPTY)
                    a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] = '·';
            for(int x = 0, y = 1; x < 9 & y < 11; x++, y++) {
                if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                    a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
            for(int x = 0, y = 9; x < 5 & y < 14; x++, y++) {
                if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x] == EMPTY)
                    a[(a.length-1) - y][x] = '·';

我已将射门方向 = 3 的代码放在上面。EMPTY 常量是“”。问题是我还 hace 了数组中的其他字符,例如“a”、“b”等。

我想要的是在没有 EMPTY 的情况下停止循环。它实际上做的是:

 g  g  b  g  g  y  y  r  r 
 y  o  y  a  r  y  g  o  b 
 g  o  r  a  b  r  a  a  b 
 g  y  o  a  y  a  g  o  b 
 g  a  b  b  b  o  o  b  g 
 r  r  r  r  r  r  r  r  r 

当到达第一个不同于 EMPTY 的字符时,射击必须停止。我试过使用中断并继续。也使用 firstLoop:{}。我还尝试在循环的每个部分使用 boolean 值,但我还没有让它工作。我需要一点帮助。


PD:镜头有 3 个“for”循环,第一个是从底部到第一面墙填充数组,第二个是墙与墙之间的空间,第三个是对面墙到顶端。 PD2:“r”行供您查看实际发生的情况。

使用 boolean 值之后:

 a  b  a  b  y  a  r  y  y 
 y  a  o  y  g  r  o  g  g 
 g  o  y  o  a  y  y  a  y 
 y  o  a  a  g  o  o  b  a 
 o  o  r  a  o  r  g  y  y 

 r  r  r  r  r  r  r  r  r 



import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Stack;

public class BobbleTexto {

        public static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        public static char RED = 'r';
        public static char GREEN = 'g';
        public static char  BLUE = 'b';
        public static char ORANGE = 'o';
        public static char  YELLOW = 'y';
        public static char  GRAY = 'a';
        public static char PURPLE = 'p';
        public static char EMPTY = ' ';

        public static char IZQUIERDA = 'A';
        public static char DERECHA = 'D';
        public static char DISPARO = 'S';
        public static char SALIR = 'Q';

        public static char [][] generarTablero (){

            char [][] a = new char [14][9];

            for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < a[x].length;y++){
                    a [x][y] = EMPTY;
            for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++){
              for(int y = 0; y < a[y].length; y++){
                  a[x][y] = generarBurbuja();
                     a[7][y] = RED;
            return a;
        public static char [][] limpiarTablero (char [][] a){
            for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < a[x].length;y++){
                    if (a [x][y] == '·')
                        a[x][y] = EMPTY;
            return a;
        public static void imprimirDisparo (char [][] a,int dirDisp,char Burbuja){
            if (dirDisp == 1){
                for(int x = 1, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 4; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] == EMPTY){
                    a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] = '·';
                for(int x = 0, y = 3; x < 9 & y < 11; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY){
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·'; 
                for(int x = 0, y = 11; x < 4 & y < 14; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x] == EMPTY){
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][x] = '·';
            if (dirDisp == 2){
                    for(int x = 2, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 3; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] == EMPTY){
                            a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] = '·';
                        else {
                    for(int x = 0, y = 2; x < 9 & y < 11; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY){
                            a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
                        else {
                    for(int x = 0, y = 10; x < 4 & y < 14; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x] == EMPTY){
                            a[(a.length-1) - y][x] = '·';
                        else {

            if (dirDisp == 3){
                boolean foundObstacle = false;
                for(int x = 3, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 2 && !foundObstacle; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] == EMPTY)
                       a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] = '·';
                    else {
                        foundObstacle = true;
                if(!foundObstacle) {
                    for(int x = 0, y = 1; x < 9 & y < 11 && !foundObstacle; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                           a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
                        else {
                            foundObstacle = true;
                if(!foundObstacle) {
                    for(int x = 0, y = 9; x < 5 & y < 14 && !foundObstacle; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x] == EMPTY)
                            a[(a.length-1) - y][x] = '·';
                        else break;
            if (dirDisp == 4){
                    for(int x = 4, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 1; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] = '·';
                    for(int x = 0, y = 0; x < 9 & y < 11; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
                    for(int x = 0, y = 8; x < 6 & y < 14; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][x] = '·';
            if (dirDisp == 0) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++)
                        if(a[x][(a[x].length - 1) / 2] == EMPTY)
                        a[x][(a[x].length - 1) / 2] = '·';
            if (dirDisp == -1){
                    for(int x = 1, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 4; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 - x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 - x] = '·';
                    for(int x = 1, y = 3; x < 11 & y < 12; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x-1] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][x-1] = '·';
                    for(int x = 0, y = 11; x < 4 & y < 14; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
            if (dirDisp == -2){
                    for(int x = 2, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 4; x++, y++){
                        if( a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 - x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 - x] = '·';
                    for(int x = 1, y = 2; x < 10 & y < 12; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x-1] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][x-1] = '·';
                    for(int x = 0, y = 10; x < 4 & y < 14; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
            if (dirDisp == -3){
                    for(int x = 3, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 4; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 - x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 - x] = '·';
                    for(int x = 1, y = 1; x < 10 & y < 12; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x-1] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][x-1] = '·';
                    for(int x = 0, y = 9; x < 5 & y < 14; x++, y++){
                        if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
            if (dirDisp == -4){
                for(int x = 4, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 4; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 - x] == EMPTY)
                    a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 - x] = '·';
                for(int x = 1, y = 0; x < 10 & y < 12; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x-1] == EMPTY)
                    a[(a.length-1) - y][x-1] = '·';
                for(int x = 0, y = 8; x < 6 & y < 14; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                    a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';

            for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < a[x].length; y++){
                    System.out.print(" "+a [x][y]+" ");

            System.out.println("\nDirección de disparo ["+dirDisp+"]");
            System.out.println("Burbuja ["+Burbuja+"]");
        public static int getDirDisp(){
            int dirDisp = sc.nextInt();
            while (dirDisp < -4 || dirDisp > 4){
                System.out.println("Introduzca una dirección de disparo válida(-1,-2,-3,0,1,2,3)");
                dirDisp = sc.nextInt();

            return dirDisp;
        public static char generarBurbuja(){
            char burbuja = EMPTY;
            int azar = (int) (Math.random() * 6);
            switch (azar){
            case 0 : burbuja = RED; break;
            case 1 : burbuja = GREEN; break;
            case 2 : burbuja = BLUE; break;
            case 3 : burbuja = ORANGE; break;
            case 4 : burbuja = YELLOW; break;
            case 5 : burbuja = GRAY; break;
            case 6 : burbuja = PURPLE; break;
            return burbuja;
        public static char obtenerAccionJugador (){ 
            String aux =;
            char accion = aux.charAt(0);
            while (accion != IZQUIERDA && accion != DERECHA && accion != DISPARO && accion != SALIR){
                System.out.println("Introduzca una acción válida:");
                aux =;
                accion = aux.charAt(0); 
            return accion;

        public static void obtenerTrayectoria (char [][] a){
            for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < a[x].length;y++){
                    if(a [x][y] == '·'){
                        Posicion pos = new Posicion(x,y);
                        ArrayList<Posicion> aListPos = new ArrayList<Posicion>();
                        for(Posicion ii : aListPos){
                            System.out.println("(" + pos.getFila() + "," + pos.getColumna()+")");
        public static char [][] realizarDisparo (char [][] a,char Burbuja){
            int c [] = new int [a.length];
            int w = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < a[x].length;y++){
                    if (a [x][y] == '·'){
                        c [w]= x;   
                    if(a[c[1]][y] == '·'){
                        a[c[1]][y] = Burbuja;
            return a;
        public static int moverDerecha (int dirDisp, char [][] a){

            if(dirDisp == -4)
                dirDisp = -3;
            else if (dirDisp == -3)
                dirDisp = -2;
            else if (dirDisp == -2)
                dirDisp = -1;
            else if (dirDisp == -1)
                dirDisp = 0;
            else if (dirDisp == 0)
                dirDisp = 1;
            else if (dirDisp == 1)
                dirDisp = 2;
            else if (dirDisp == 2)
                dirDisp = 3;
            else if(dirDisp == 3)
                dirDisp = 4;

            return dirDisp;
        public static int moverIzquierda (int dirDisp, char [][] a){

            if(dirDisp == 4)
                dirDisp = 3;
            else if (dirDisp == 3)
                dirDisp = 2;
            else if (dirDisp == 2)
                dirDisp = 1;
            else if (dirDisp == 1)
                dirDisp = 0;
            else if (dirDisp == 0)
                dirDisp = -1;
            else if (dirDisp == -1)
                dirDisp = -2;
            else if (dirDisp == -2)
                dirDisp = -3;
            else if(dirDisp == -3)
                dirDisp = -4;

            return dirDisp;
        public static boolean existenBurbujas (char [][] a){
            boolean result = true;
            int contadorBurbujas = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < a.length; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < a[x].length;y++){
                    if(a [x][y] != EMPTY){
            if(contadorBurbujas > 0){
                return true;
            return result;
        public static void borrarBurbujasAgrupadas(char [][] b, Posicion p) {
            if(b[p.fila][p.columna] != EMPTY)
                vecinos(b, p.fila, p.columna, b[p.fila][p.columna]);                    
        private static void vecinos(char [][] b, int i_comienzo, int j_comienzo, char destino) {        
            Stack<Integer> ic = new Stack<Integer>();
            Stack<Integer> jc = new Stack<Integer>();


            int t = 0;
            boolean [][] visitados = new boolean[b.length][b[0].length];

            while( !ic.isEmpty() ) {
                int i = ic.pop();
                int j = jc.pop();
                visitados[i][j] = true;


                if(j-1 >= 0) {
                    if(b[i][j-1] == destino && !visitados[i][j-1]) {
                if(j+1 < b[0].length) {
                    if(b[i][j+1] == destino && !visitados[i][j+1]) {
                if(i-1 >=0) {
                    if(b[i-1][j] == destino && !visitados[i-1][j]) {
                if(i+1 < b.length) {
                    if(b[i+1][j] == destino && !visitados[i+1][j]) {

                if(j-1 >=0 && i-1 >=0) {
                    if(b[i-1][j-1] == destino && !visitados[i-1][j-1]) {
                if(j+1 < b[0].length && i-1 >= 0 ) {
                    if(b[i-1][j+1] == destino && !visitados[i-1][j+1]) {
                if(j-1>=0 && i+1<b.length) {
                    if(b[i+1][j-1] == destino && !visitados[i+1][j-1]) {
                if(j+1<b[0].length && i+1<b.length) {
                    if(b[i+1][j+1] == destino && !visitados[i+1][j+1]) {

            if(t >= 3)
                for(int i=0; i<visitados.length; i++)
                    for(int j=0; j<visitados[i].length; j++)
                            b[i][j] = EMPTY;

        public static void jugar (){
            Posicion p = new Posicion();
            char [][] a = generarTablero();
            System.out.println("Introduzca la dirección de disparo(-1,-2,-3,-4,0,1,2,3,4)");
            int dirDisp = getDirDisp();
            char Burbuja = generarBurbuja();
            char accion = obtenerAccionJugador();
                if (accion == IZQUIERDA){
                    dirDisp = moverIzquierda(dirDisp,a); 
                    accion = obtenerAccionJugador();

                else if(accion == DERECHA) {
                    dirDisp = moverDerecha(dirDisp,a);
                    accion = obtenerAccionJugador();

                else if(accion == DISPARO){
                    Burbuja = generarBurbuja();
                    accion = obtenerAccionJugador();
                else if (accion == SALIR){
                    System.out.println("GAME OVER");


        public static void main (String[] args){





    int fila;
    int columna;

    public Posicion(int fila,int columna) {
        this.fila = fila;
        this.columna = columna;

    public int getFila(){
        return this.fila;

    public int getColumna(){
        return this.columna;
    public Posicion(){}


在您回答所有问题后,我做了一种新的拍摄方法,比第一种方法简单得多,带有 while 循环和更多常量名称,使其易于理解。

Position 类还是一样。


public static void getTrayectory (char [][] a,int shootDirection){  

                int x = 0, y = 0;   
                START = ((RIGHT_WALL)/2) + shootDirection;
                a [BOTTOM][START] = SHOT;

                if(shootDirection > 0){
                    while (!isOut(BOTTOM-x,START+y) && emptyCell(BOTTOM-x,START+y)){
                        b [BOTTOM - x][START + y] = SHOT;
                        x++; y++;   
                    y = 0; x=x-1;
                    while (!isOut(BOTTOM-x,RIGHT_WALL-y) && emptyCell(BOTTOM-x,RIGHT_WALL-y)){
                        b [BOTTOM-x][RIGHT_WALL-y] = SHOT;
                        x++; y++;
                    y = 0; x=x-1;
                    while (!isOut(BOTTOM-x,LEFT_WALL+y) && emptyCell(BOTTOM-x,LEFT_WALL+y)){
                        b [BOTTOM-x][LEFT_WALL+y] = SHOT;
                        x++; y++;
                    y = 0; 
                    while (!isOut(BOTTOM-x,RIGHT_WALL-y) && emptyCell(BOTTOM-x,RIGHT_WALL-y)){
                        b [BOTTOM-x][RIGHT_WALL-y] = SHOT;
                        x++; y++;


你还需要这个才能编译它; )

public static char [][] b = new char [25][9];

    public static char EMPTY = '-';
    public static char SHOT = 'x';

    public static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

    public static int shootDirection;
    public static int BOTTOM = b.length - 1;
    public static int RIGHT_WALL = b[0].length - 1;
    public static int LEFT_WALL = 0;
    public static int TOP = 0;
    public static int CENTER = ((RIGHT_WALL)/2);
    public static int START = ((RIGHT_WALL)/2) + shootDirection;

    public static void fill (char [][] b){
        for (int x = 0; x < b.length; x++){
            for (int y = 0; y < b[x].length;y++){
                b [x][y] = EMPTY;
                b [10][y] = 'A';

    public static void show (char [][] b){
        for (int x = 0; x < b.length; x++){
            for (int y = 0; y < b[x].length; y++){
                System.out.print(" "+b [x][y]+" ");

    public static boolean isOut (int x,int y){
        if(x < TOP)return true;
        if(y > RIGHT_WALL)return true;
        if(y < LEFT_WALL)return true;
        return false;     
    static boolean emptyCell(int x, int y){
          return b [x-1][y] == EMPTY;

问题是,它有效,但是 emptyCell 方法中存在错误。它返回 b [x-1][y] == EMPTY,因为如果我使用 return b[x][y] 它会得到一个 OutOfBounds 错误。由于 x-1,循环在它应该停止之前停止了一行,我不知道如何修改它以使其正常工作。

另一件事是,我想做一个更简单的方法,但即使有下面的小例子,我也不知道如何用我的常量来做。我希望你能为我做这件事,这一定很容易,但我不知道 :S 使用 isOut 方法和 emptyCell 方法,答案一定很近。谢谢你,对不起这个长线程。


据我了解代码,最接近您所拥有的解决方案是在 EMPTY 检查处放置一个 else 并在其中告诉它break 从可能被中断的第一个循环开始。然后,设置一个告诉它停止的变量,然后使其余的 for 循环以该变量为条件,这样它就不会从那里选择。


if (dirDisp == 3){
            boolean foundObstacle = false;
            for(int x = 3, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 2; x++, y++){
                if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] == EMPTY)
                   a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] = '·';
                else {
                    foundObstacle = true;
            if(!foundObstacle) {
                for(int x = 0, y = 1; x < 9 & y < 11; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                       a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
                    else {
                        foundObstacle = true;
            if(!foundObstacle) {
                for(int x = 0, y = 9; x < 5 & y < 14; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][x] = '·';
                    else break;

一旦解决了您的问题,请考虑对您的代码进行一些更改,因为首先,如果您知道循环将过早结束,则使用 for 循环被认为是不好的做法。在这些情况下,我们通常使用 while 循环。其次,硬编码这样的东西不是一个好主意。一旦你掌握了这个窍门,你就可以想出一个算法来完成任何给定方向的工作。



        if (dirDisp == 3){
            boolean foundObstacle = false;
            for(int x = 3, y = 0; x < 5 & y < 2 && !foundObstacle; x++, y++){
                if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] == EMPTY)
                   a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) / 2 + x] = '·';
                else {
                    foundObstacle = true;
            if(!foundObstacle) {
                // At its first iteration, this loop finds the '·' symbol placed by the previous one. 
                // So I've made it start from the second.
                for(int x = 1, y = 2; x < 9 & y < 11 && !foundObstacle; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] == EMPTY)
                       a[(a.length-1) - y][(a[x].length-1) - x] = '·';
                    else {
                        foundObstacle = true;
            if(!foundObstacle) {
                for(int x = 0, y = 9; x < 5 & y < 14 && !foundObstacle; x++, y++){
                    if(a[(a.length-1) - y][x] == EMPTY)
                        a[(a.length-1) - y][x] = '·';
                    else break;



即使到那时你还找不到自己的错误,至少其他人可以更容易地帮助你。 ;)

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