java - 自动装箱:为什么 Short S1 = 100;编译正常,但 Long F1 = 100;失败的?

标签 java autoboxing

我知道编译 Long F1 = 100; 会失败,因为 100 是一个整数,所以编译器会将其装箱为 Integer,并且包装器类型无法扩展.

但是为什么编译 Short S1 = 100; 会成功呢?非常感谢您的帮助。


来自 SCJP: 的第 3 章

The following is legal,

byte b = 27;

but only because the compiler automatically narrows the literal value to a byte. In other words, the compiler puts in the cast. The preceding code is identical to the following:

byte b = (byte) 27; // Explicitly cast the int literal to a byte

It looks as though the compiler gives you a break, and lets you take a shortcut with assignments to integer variables smaller than an int. (Everything we're saying about byte applies equally to char and short, both of which are smaller than an int)


Short s = (short)100;

关于java - 自动装箱:为什么 Short S1 = 100;编译正常,但 Long F1 = 100;失败的?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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