java - heap为什么要分为Eden、Survivor spaces和Old Generation?

标签 java garbage-collection jvm heap-memory g1gc

你能回答我一个关于 JVM 垃圾收集过程的问题吗?

堆为什么分为Eden、Survivor空间和Old Generation?


因此,所有 对象都会被考虑,包括在老年代分配的对象也会被访问并标记它们是否可达。


但是,即使在 Young 疏散级别上进行了最简单的标记之后,如果所有可到达和不可到达的对象都是已知的并且可以删除,我们就拥有了包含所有 Activity 对象和死对象的整个位图,那么为什么我们需要这种划分呢?





一个实现策略是Card Marking :

If a garbage collector does not collect the entire heap (an incremental collection), the garbage collector needs to know where there are pointers from the uncollected part of the heap into the part of the heap that is being collected. This is typically for a generational garbage collector in which the uncollected part of the heap is usually the old generation, and the collected part of the heap is the young generation. The data structure for keeping this information (old generation pointers to young generation objects), is a remembered set. A card table is a particular type of remembered set. Java HotSpot VM uses an array of bytes as a card table. Each byte is referred to as a card. A card corresponds to a range of addresses in the heap. Dirtying a card means changing the value of the byte to a dirty value; a dirty value might contain a new pointer from the old generation to the young generation in the address range covered by the card.

Processing a card means looking at the card to see if there is an old generation to young generation pointer and perhaps doing something with that information such as transferring it to another data structure.

当然,使用分代只会提供一个好处,如果它使我们能够在扫描期间跳过某些内存区域,并且如果维护这些 memset 不会超过节省的话。

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