Java 程序在 raspberry pi 上短时间后无错误地卡住

标签 java raspberry-pi freeze

所以我正在开发一个程序,在我进入我的房间时打开或关闭我的 hue 灯。在我的房间门口安装了 2 个 HCSr04,用于检测来人的方向。该程序大部分工作正常,但在短时间后它只是卡住并且没有任何反应。它在带有 Raspbian 的 Rapsberry Pi 3 上运行。


public class Distance {
    //GPIO Pins
    private static GpioPinDigitalOutput sensorTriggerPin;
    private static GpioPinDigitalInput sensorEchoPin;
    private static GpioPinDigitalOutput sensorTriggerPin1;
    private static GpioPinDigitalInput sensorEchoPin1;
    int f = 0;
    ZoneId id;
    public static double distance2;
    public static double distance3;
    public static boolean left = false;
    public static boolean right = false;
    public static long timeleft;
    public static long timeright;
    public int counter;

    final static GpioController gpio = GpioFactory.getInstance();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        ZoneId id = ZoneId.of("Europe/Berlin");

        int hour = 22; //;
        if (hour > 18 || hour < 7) {

        } else {
            System.out.println("Hour not in estimated working time");
            System.out.println("Hour:" + hour);

        sensorTriggerPin = gpio.provisionDigitalOutputPin(RaspiPin.GPIO_00); // Trigger pin as OUTPUT // rechts von Schrank aus
        sensorEchoPin = gpio.provisionDigitalInputPin(RaspiPin.GPIO_02, PinPullResistance.PULL_DOWN); // Echo pin as INPUT

        sensorTriggerPin1 = gpio.provisionDigitalOutputPin(RaspiPin.GPIO_27); // links von Schrank aus
        sensorEchoPin1 = gpio.provisionDigitalInputPin(RaspiPin.GPIO_25, PinPullResistance.PULL_DOWN);

        new UltraHue();

    public void run() throws InterruptedException {

        do {

            Double Distance = getdistance(sensorEchoPin, sensorTriggerPin);
            //int hour =22;     //;
            // && hour>18 || hour<7 
            if (Distance < 70 && distance2 < 70) { //rechts vom Schrank             

                if (right == false) {
                    right = true;

                if (right == true && left == true) {
                    right = false;
                    left = false;
                    counter = 0;

            distance2 = Distance;


            double Distance1 = getdistance(sensorEchoPin1, sensorTriggerPin1);
            int hour1 = 22; //;
            // && hour>18 || hour<7 
            if (Distance1 < 70 && distance3 < 70) { //links vom Schrank

                if (left == false) {
                    left = true;

                if (right == true && left == true) {
                    right = false;
                    left = false;
                    counter = 0;

            distance3 = Distance1;

            if (left == true || right == true) {
                counter = counter + 1;
                if (counter == 70) {
                    System.out.println("resetting counter");
                    left = false;
                    right = false;
                    counter = 0;
            } else {
                counter = 0;
        } while (true);

    public static double getdistance(GpioPinDigitalInput sensorEchoPin3, GpioPinDigitalOutput sensorTriggerPin3) throws InterruptedException {
        sensorTriggerPin3.high(); // Make trigger pin HIGH
        Thread.sleep((long) 0.01); // Delay for 10 microseconds
        sensorTriggerPin3.low(); //Make trigger pin LOW

        while (sensorEchoPin3.isLow()) { //Wait until the ECHO pin gets HIGH

        long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // Store the current time to calculate ECHO pin HIGH time.
        while (sensorEchoPin3.isHigh()) { //Wait until the ECHO pin gets LOW

        long endTime = System.nanoTime(); // Store the echo pin HIGH end time to calculate ECHO pin HIGH time.
        double distance = (((endTime - startTime) / 1e3) / 2) / 29.1;
        return distance;


我认为你的代码可以简化很多。例如。为什么要使用 distance1 和 distance3 之类的变量,我不清楚它们的用途。我已将您的代码重写为更简单易读的版本。尝试运行代码,如果失败,用 try catch block 将其包围并检查堆栈跟踪。小心 while 循环,例如

`while(sensorEchoPin3.isLow()){ //Wait until the ECHO pin gets HIGH

 while(sensorEchoPin3.isHigh()){ //Wait until the ECHO pin gets LOW



public void run() throws InterruptedException {
        //int hour =22;     //;
        // && hour>18 || hour<7
        if (getdistance(sensorEchoPin, sensorTriggerPin) < 70) {       //rechts vom Schrank
            right = true;
            if (left) {

        if (getdistance(sensorEchoPin1, sensorTriggerPin1) < 70) {           //links vom Schrank
            left = true;
            if (right) {

        if (left || right) {
            if (counter++ >= 70) {
                //System.out.println("resetting counter");

private void reset(){
    counter = 0;
    left = false;
    right = false;

private static long endTime;
private static long startTime;
public static double getdistance(GpioPinDigitalInput sensorEchoPin3, GpioPinDigitalOutput sensorTriggerPin3) throws InterruptedException{
    sensorTriggerPin3.high(); // Make trigger pin HIGH
    Thread.sleep((long) 0.01);// Delay for 10 microseconds
    sensorTriggerPin3.low(); //Make trigger pin LOW

    while(sensorEchoPin3.isLow()){ //Wait until the ECHO pin gets HIGH

    startTime= System.nanoTime(); // Store the current time to calculate ECHO pin HIGH time.
    while(sensorEchoPin3.isHigh()){ //Wait until the ECHO pin gets LOW

    endTime= System.nanoTime(); // Store the echo pin HIGH end time to calculate ECHO pin HIGH time.
    return(((endTime-startTime)/1e3)/2) / 29.1;

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