java - 忽略选项 -Xprof; 10.0 中移除了支持

标签 java profiler

什么是 -Xprof 标志的正确替代品?

使用带有 -Xprof 标志的 JDK 11 运行 java 程序会产生以下输出:

Ignoring option -Xprof; support was removed in 10.0


list of deprecated features as of Java 9 看一下 JDK-8176098 的描述:

This technology is no longer relevant and is a source of root scanning for the GC and contains bugs. We want to remove flatprofiler in JDK 10 and therefore deprecated it in JDK 9.

点击链接的相关报告 JDK-8173715 显示:

We assume that this technology is no longer in use and is a source of root scanning for the GC.

不幸的是,在删除有缺陷的 -Xprof 功能的结论上达成了一致,并假设删除该功能对某人的影响风险最小。

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