java - 将嵌套的 Pojo 对象作为单独的对象存储在数据库中

标签 java jackson

我使用 jackson 将 json 字符串映射到我的 HTModel 类,它基本上是一个简单的 Pojo。

class HTModel{}

public class Post extends HTModel {
    public String id;
    public String content;
    public String author;


public class Venue extends HTModel {
    public ArrayList<Post> posts;

我设置了一个简单的 SqlLite 模式来根据模型的类型和 ID 缓存和索引这些模型。

我的问题是,如果模型包含其他模型的字段,我不想将 field 模型作为一个整体存储在数据库中。 ArrayList Venue.posts 中的每个帖子都应该单独保存。



在使用 JSON 创建自己的数据库 -> POJO 实现时,我遇到了类似的问题。这就是我解决问题的方法,对我来说效果很好。

让我们以您的 Post 对象为例。它需要很容易地表示为 JSON 对象并从 JSON 字符串创建。此外,它需要能够保存到数据库中。我已经根据这两个条件分解了我使用的类的继承关系:

  -> DatabaseObject
    -> JsonObject
      -> LinkedHashMap

从最基本的表示开始,一个JsonObject,它是一个扩展的LinkedHashMapMaps 由于其键值映射而非常适合表示 JSON 对象。这是 JsonObject 类:

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * A <code>JsonObject</code> represents a JSON object, which begins and ends 
 * with curly braces '{' '}' and contains key-value pairs separated by a 
 * colon ':'.
 * <p>
 * In implementation, this is simply an extended <code>LinkedHashMap</code> to 
 * represent key-value pairs and to preserve insert order (which may be 
 * required by some JSON implementations, though is not a standard).
 * <p>
 * Additionally, calling <code>toString()</code> on the <code>JsonObject</code> 
 * will return a properly formatted <code>String</code> which can be posted as 
 * a value JSON HTTP request or response.
 * @author Andrew
 * @param <V> the value class to use. Note that all keys for a 
 *          <code>JsonObject</code> are <code>Strings</code>
public class JsonObject<V> extends LinkedHashMap<String, V> {

     * Creates a new empty <code>JsonObject</code>.
    public JsonObject() {

     * Creates a new <code>JsonObject</code> from the given HTTP response 
     * <code>String</code>.
     * @param source HTTP response JSON object
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given <code>String</code> is not 
     *          a JSON object, or if it is improperly formatted
     * @see JsonParser#getJsonObject(java.lang.String) 
    public JsonObject(String source) throws IllegalArgumentException {
     * Creates a new <code>JsonObject</code> from the given <code>Map</code>.
     * @param map a <code>Map</code> of key-value pairs to create the 
     *          <code>JsonObject</code> from
    public JsonObject(Map<? extends String, ? extends V> map) {

     * Returns a JSON formatted <code>String</code> that properly represents 
     * this JSON object.
     * <p>
     * This <code>String</code> may be used in an HTTP request or response.
     * @return JSON formatted JSON object <code>String</code>
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{");

        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, V>> iter = entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, V> entry =;

            V value = entry.getValue();
            if (iter.hasNext()) {

        return sb.toString();

很简单,它只是一个代表JSON对象的LinkedHashMap,可以通过调用toString()快速将其转为JSON字符串,以及创建使用我创建的 JsonParser 类从 JSON 字符串中提取。

如果您已经在使用像 Jackson 这样的 JSON 解析器,您可能需要重新做一些事情才能使用该 API。

接下来是 Post 的内容,DatabaseObject 赋予 Post 与数据库通信的功能。在我的实现中,Database 对象只是一个抽象类。我指定 Database 如何将 DatabaseObjects 保存到别处,无论是通过 JDBC 还是 JSON over HTTP。

请记住,我们使用 Map 来表示我们的对象。对于您的帖子,这意味着您拥有三个“属性”(我在文档中称其为关键值):ID、内容和作者。

这是 DatabaseObject(精简后)的样子。请注意 save() 方法,我将在此处回答您的问题。

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * The <code>DatabaseObject</code> represents a single row of data from a 
 * specific table within a database.
 * <p>
 * The object should implement getters and setters for each column, and is 
 * responsible for registering the correct table name and column names, as 
 * well as default values for those columns, in case a default value is 
 * not supported by the database table.
 * <p>
 * The <code>DatabaseObject</code> works with key-value pairs as an 
 * extended <code>LinkedHashMap</code>. It defines one property, 
 * <code>DatabaseObject.ROW_ID</code> which represents the unique 
 * identifier column for a table row. This column should always be an 
 * integer value. (Future implementations may allow for long values, but 
 * <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE</code> is well suited for most databases as a maximum 
 * row count per table).
 * <p>
 * The key and value pairs should be accessed by implementing getter and 
 * setter methods, not by the get and put methods provided by the 
 * <code>LinkedHashMap</code>. This is to ensure proper <code>Class</code> 
 * type casting for each value.
 * <p>
 * A <code>DatabaseObject</code> itself is also an extension of a 
 * <code>JsonObject</code>, and <code>toString()</code> may be called on 
 * it to provide a JSON notated <code>DatabaseObject</code>.
 * <p>
 * When using JSON however, keep in mind that the keys may not correspond 
 * exactly with the table column names, even though that is the recommendation. 
 * The <code>DatabaseObject</code> should be converted back into its 
 * implementing object form and saved when using web services.
 * <p>
 * The parameter <code>T</code> should be set to the class of the implementing 
 * <code>DatabaseObject</code>. This will allow proper class casting when 
 * returning instances of the implementation, such as in the <code>load()</code> 
 * methods.
 * @param <T> the type of <code>DatabaseObject</code>
 * @author Andrew
public abstract class DatabaseObject<T extends DatabaseObject> 
        extends JsonObject<Object> implements Cloneable{

    /**The property for the row ID*/
    public final static String ROW_ID = "rowId";

     * Creates a new empty <code>DatabaseObject</code>.
    public DatabaseObject() {


     * {@inheritDoc }
     * <p>
     * This get method will additionally check the <code>Class</code> of 
     * the returned value and cast it if it is a <code>String</code> but
     * matches another <code>Class</code> type such as a number.
     * @see #doGet(java.lang.String, boolean) 
    public Object get(Object key) {
        //From here you can specify additional requirements before retrieving a value, such as class checking
        //This is optional of course, and doGet() calls super.get()
        return doGet(String.valueOf(key), true);

     * {@inheritDoc }
     * <p>
     * This get method will additionally check the <code>Class</code> of 
     * the given value and cast it if it is a <code>String</code> but
     * matches another <code>Class</code> type such as a number.
     * @see #doPut(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, boolean) 
    public Object put(String key, Object value) {
        //Like doGet(), doPut() goes through additional checks before returning a value
        return doPut(key, value, true);

    //Here are some example getter/setter methods
    //DatabaseObject provides an implementation for the row ID column by default

     * Retrieves the row ID of this <code>DatabaseObject</code>.
     * <p>
     * If the row ID could not be found, -1 will be returned. Note that 
     * a -1 <i>may</i> indicate a new <code>DatabaseObject</code>, but it 
     * does not always, since not all <code>Databases</code> support 
     * retrieving the last inserted ID.
     * <p>
     * While the column name might not correspond to "rowId", this 
     * method uses the <code>DatabaseObject.ROW_ID</code> property. All 
     * objects must have a unique identifier. The name of the column 
     * should be registered in the constructor of the object.
     * @return the <code>DatabaseObject's</code> row ID, or -1 if it is not set
    public int getRowId() {
        //getProperty(), while not included, simply returns a default specified value 
        //if a value has not been set
        return getProperty(ROW_ID, -1);
     * Sets the row ID of this <code>DatabaseObject</code>.
     * <p>
     * <b>Note: this method should rarely be used in implementation!</b>
     * <p>
     * The <code>DatabaseObject</code> will automatically set its row ID when 
     * retrieving information from a <code>Database</code>. If the row ID 
     * is forcibly overriden, this could overwrite another existing row entry 
     * in the database table.
     * @param rowId the row ID of the <code>DatabaseObject</code>
    public void setRowId(int rowId) {
        //And again, setProperty() specifies some additional conditions before 
        //setting a key-value pair, but its not needed for this example
        setProperty(ROW_ID, rowId);

    //This is where your question will be answered!!

    //Since everything in a DatabaseObject is set as a key-value pair in a 
    //Map, we don't have to use reflection to look up values for a 
    //specific object. We can just iterate over the key-value entries

    public synchronized void save(Database database) throws SaveException {
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        //You would need to check how you want to save this, let's assume it's 
        //an UPDATE
        sql.append("UPDATE ").append(getTableName()).append(" SET ");

        Iterator<String, Object> iter = entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
            String property = entry.getKey();
            Object value = entry.getValue();

            if (value instanceof DatabaseObject) {
            else if (value instanceof Collection) {
                for (Object v : (Collection)value) {
            //However many other checks you want, such as Maps, Arrays, etc
            else {              
                sql.append(property); //Assuming the property equals the column name
            if (iter.hasNext()) {
                sql.append(", ");

        //getIdColumn() would retrieve which column is being used as the identifier
        sql.append("WHERE ").append(getIdColumn()).append("=").append(getRowId());

        //Finally, take our SQL string and save the value to the Database

        //For me, I could simply call database.update(sql), and
        //the abstracted Database object would determine how to 
        //send that information via HTTP as a JSON object

        //Of course, your save() method would vary greatly, but this is just a quick
        //and dirty example of how you can iterate over a Map's 
        //key-value pairs and take into account values that are 
        //DatabaseObjects themselves that need to be saved, or 
        //a Collection of DatabaseObjects that need to be saved

     * Retrieves the name of the database table that this 
     * <code>DatabaseObject</code> pulls its information from.
     * <p>
     * It is recommended to declare a final and static class variable that 
     * signifies the table name to reduce resource usage.
     * @return name of the database table
    public abstract String getTableName();

对于 TL;DR 版本:

Post 是一个 DatabaseObject

DatabaseObject 是一个JsonObject,它是一个LinkedHashMap

LinkedHashMap 设定了存储键值对的标准。键 = 列名,值 = 列值。

JsonObject 什么都不做,只是提供了一种将 LinkedHashMap 打印为 JSON 字符串的方法。

DatabaseObject 指定有关如何保存到数据库的逻辑,包括在值是另一个 DatabaseObject 的情况下,或者如果值包含 DatabaseObject ,例如集合。

^ -- 这意味着您只需编写一次“保存”逻辑。当您调用 时,它会保存帖子。当您调用 时,它会保存地点列(如果有的话),以及 ArrayList 中的每个单独的 Post

为了额外的乐趣,下面是您的 PostVenue 对象的样子:

public class Post extends DatabaseObject<Post> {

    //The column names
    public final static String POST_ID = "PostID";
    public final static String CONTENT = "Content";
    public final static String AUTHOR = "Author";

    public Post() {
        //Define default values

    public int getPostId() {
        return (Integer)get(POST_ID);
    public void setPostId(int id) {
        put(POST_ID, id);
    public String getContent() {
        return (String)get(CONTENT);
    public void setContent(String content) {
        put(CONTENT, content);
    public String getAuthor() {
        return (String)getAuthor();
    public void setAuthor(String author) {
        put(AUTHOR, author);

    public String getTableName() {
        return "myschema.posts";


请注意,我们不再声明类变量,只声明存储值的列名。我们在 getter/setter 方法中定义变量的类。

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Venue extends DatabaseObject<Venue> {

    //This is just a key property, not a column
    public final static String POSTS = "Posts";

    public Venue() {
        setPosts(new ArrayList());

    public List<Post> getPosts() {
        return (List<Post>)get(POSTS);
    public void setPosts(List<Post> posts) {
        put(POSTS, posts);
    public void addPost(Post post) {

    public String getTableName() {
        //Venue doesn't have a table name, it's just a container
        //In your method, you can specify logic to 
        //account for this condition
        return "";


额外的终极 TL;DR 版本:

使用 Map 来存储您的变量,而不是在您的类中定义它们。

创建一个 save() 方法逻辑,迭代 Map 值并将列值对保存到数据库,同时考虑集合或可保存的值数据库对象

现在您所要做的就是调用,您所有的 Post 对象也将被适本地保存。

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