java - 如何在 <base type> 的列表中查找并返回 <derived type> 的对象?

标签 java generics reflection



  • 我有一个 Component 类型的私有(private)列表(其中 Component 是一个 抽象类)
  • 这个列表有任意数量的不同组件子类 (其中每个派生类型在该列表中都是唯一的)
  • 我想提供一种方法,让用户可以找到 他们偏好的特定组件


private ArrayList<Component> components = new ArrayList<Component>();

public <T extends Component> T getComponent( T type )
    for ( Component c : components )
        if ( c instanceof T )
            return (T) c;
    return null;

编译器在 if 语句中报告以下错误:

Cannot perform instanceof check against type parameter T. Use its erasure Component instead since further generic type information will be erased at runtime



您可能希望依赖 Class.isInstanceOf(Object) :

for (Component c : components) {
     if (type.getClass().isInstance(c)) {
         return (T) c;

Determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with the object represented by this Class. This method is the dynamic equivalent of the Java language instanceof operator.

提供 Class 实例而不是对象会更有意义:

public <T extends Component> T getComponent(Class<T> type)
    for (Component c : components) {
         if (type.isInstance(c)) {
             return (T) c;
    return null;

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