java - 如何在Spring中配置对@Valid的直接字段访问?

标签 java spring spring-mvc spring-web

如何告诉 spring-web 验证我的 dto 而不必使用 getter/setter?

@PostMapping(path = "/test")
public void test(@Valid @RequestBody WebDTO dto) {


public class WebDTO {
   @Valid //triggers nested validation
   private List<Person> persons;

   //getter+setter for person

   @JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY)
   public static class Person {
         public String name;
         public int age;


"java.lang.IllegalStateException","message":"JSR-303 validated property 
    'persons[0].name' does not have a corresponding accessor for Spring data 
    binding - check your DataBinder's configuration (bean property versus direct field access)"}

特殊要求:我仍然想在 boolean getter 上添加 @AssertTrue 以提供跨域验证,例如:

    public boolean isNameValid() {


您必须配置 Spring DataBinder 以使用直接字段访问。

public class ControllerAdviceConfiguration {
    private void initDirectFieldAccess(DataBinder dataBinder) {

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