java - twitter4j 是否提供在 2 个日期之间搜索推文的功能

标签 java twitter4j

twitter4j 是否提供在 2 个日期之间搜索推文的功能(例如 2011-10-27 05:30:00 到 2011-10-27 06:30:00)




这就是 Twitter search API 的局限性:

Notes about Search Operators

since and until

  • do not support the negation (-) operator.
  • List item should be entered in the format year-month-day or yyyy-mm-dd.
  • are assumed to be from/to 00:00 UTC.
  • cannot be set into the future. If until is in the future you will receive an HTTP 403 error with the message: {"error":"You cannot use an 'until:' date in the future"}. If since is in the future you will receive an HTTP 403 error with the message: {"error":"since_id too recent, poll less frequently"}

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