java - ReSTLet - 使用路由器附加资源类时遇到问题

标签 java rest restlet

使用 ReSTLet 2.1.0 Java SE 版本进行原型(prototype)设计时,我无法将 ServerResource 类映射到 URL。我已经使用 Router.attach 方法尝试了很多变体,但没有任何效果。


 * @param args
 * @throws Exception 
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    final Router router = new Router();
    router.attach("/hello", FirstServerResource.class);
    router.attach("/json", Json.class);

    Application myApp = new Application() {
        public org.restlet.Restlet createInboundRoot() {
            return router;

    new Server(Protocol.HTTP, 8182, myApp).start();

当我浏览到 http://localhost:8182/hello 时,它没有正确进行模板匹配。通过源代码调试,我发现匹配逻辑将请求的资源视为 http://localhost:8182/hello 而不是 /hello。发生这种情况的 ReSTLet 代码在这里:

// Set the resource reference
if (resourceUri != null) {
    setResourceRef(new Reference(getHostRef(), resourceUri));

    if (getResourceRef().isRelative()) {
        // Take care of the "/" between the host part and the segments.
        if (!resourceUri.startsWith("/")) {
            setResourceRef(new Reference(getHostRef().toString() + "/"
                    + resourceUri));
        } else {
            setResourceRef(new Reference(getHostRef().toString()
                    + resourceUri));


在上面的代码中,它将资源视为相对,因此将请求的资源从/hello 更改为完整的url。我在这里遗漏了一些明显的东西,但我完全被难住了。



By default, an application should be attached to a parent component in order to let application's outbound root handle calls properly.

我不完全理解它的意思(也许我必须从头到尾阅读文档?)。将应用程序附加到 VirtualHost 解决了问题:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {   
    final Router router = new Router();
    router.attach("/hello", FirstServerResource.class);
    router.attach("/json", Json.class);

    Application myApp = new Application() {
        public org.restlet.Restlet createInboundRoot() {
            return router;

    Component component = new Component();
    component.getDefaultHost().attach("/test", myApp);

    new Server(Protocol.HTTP, 8182, component).start();

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