linux - 有没有办法杀死在某个目录中/从某个目录运行的所有进程?

标签 linux bash shell kill-process working-directory

我需要一种方法来杀死当前目录中正在运行的所有内容。我对 shell 有点陌生,所以请原谅我的愚蠢或可能不理解您的回答。我有一半的把握,但如果你愿意花额外的时间来解释你对我的问题的解决方案到底做了什么,我将不胜感激。



#!/usr/bin/env bash                                                                                                                                 
lsof $(pwd) | \                                                           
    awk -F " " ' { print $2 } ' | \                                       
    while read process ; do                                               
       [[ ${process} == "PID" ]] && continue;
          # kill the processes here
          # if you assign each process to a variable or an array
          # you will not be able to access it after leaving this while loop
          # pipes are executed as subshells
          echo ${process};                                                 

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