java - 读取制表符分隔的文本文件时出现问题?

标签 java


Col1    Col2    Col3
data1   data2   data3
data1   data2   data3


Col1    Col2    Col3
data1           data3
data1   data2   

在上面的数据中,我能够读取第一行数据,因为 col2 的值为空字符串。 但是第二行的 col3 没有数据。在这里我得到数组索引越界异常。 为什么我没有得到第二行的 col3 的空字符串?


String dataFileName = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\User1\\some.txt";

          * Creating a buffered reader to read the file
         BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(
                 new FileReader(dataFileName));

         String line;

          * Looping the read block until all lines in the file are read.
         while ((line = bReader.readLine()) != null) {

              * Splitting the content of tabbed separated line
             String datavalue[] = line.split("\t");
             String value1 = datavalue[0];
             String value2 = datavalue[1];
             String value3 = datavalue[2];




String datavalue[] = Arrays.copyOf(line.split("\t"),3);
String value1 = datavalue[0];
String value2 = datavalue[1];
String value3 = datavalue[2];

基本上,您正在拆分内容并将其复制到一个新数组,其中填充的元素为 null,如记录的那样:

Copies the specified array, truncating or padding with nulls (if necessary) so the copy has the specified length. For all indices that are valid in both the original array and the copy, the two arrays will contain identical values. For any indices that are valid in the copy but not the original, the copy will contain null. Such indices will exist if and only if the specified length is greater than that of the original array. The resulting array is of exactly the same class as the original array.

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