java - 使用 java 将 Element 对象写入文件

标签 java data-structures bloomberg

我有一个 Element 类的数据。我正在尝试将其值写入文件,但遇到了问题:

< Some process to acquire values into the variable "fieldData" >

// Prepare file output
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("C:/output.txt");
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);

Element field = fieldData.getElement(i);

out.write(field);  // DOESN'T WORK: The method write(int) in the type BufferedWriter is not applicable for the arguments (Element)
out.write(field.getValueAsString()); // DOESN'T WORK: Cannot convert SEQUENCE to String



private static final Name SECURITY_DATA = new Name("securityData");
private static final Name FIELD_DATA = new Name("fieldData");

Element securityDataArray = msg.getElement(SECURITY_DATA); // msg is a Bloomberg desktop API object
Element securityData = securityDataArray.getValueAsElement(0);
Element fieldData = securityData.getElement(FIELD_DATA);
Element field = fieldData.getElement(0)
out.write(field);  // DOESN'T WORK: The method write(int) in the type BufferedWriter is not applicable for the arguments (Element)
out.write(field.getValueAsString()); // DOESN'T WORK: Cannot convert SEQUENCE to String


事实证明,这个 Bloomberg Prop 数据结构至少可以说是冗长的:

private static final Name SECURITY_DATA = new Name("securityData");
private static final Name FIELD_DATA = new Name("fieldData");

Element securityDataArray = msg.getElement(SECURITY_DATA); // msg is a Bloomberg desktop API object
Element securityData = securityDataArray.getValueAsElement(0);
Element fieldData = securityData.getElement(FIELD_DATA);
Element field = fieldData.getElement(0); 

/* the above codes were known at the time of the question */
/* below is what I was shown by a bloomberg representative */

Element bulkElement = field.getValueAsElement(0);
Element elem = bulkElement.getElement(0);
out.write( + "\t" + elem.getValueAsString() + "\n");

哇...我不认为他们试图让它变得简单!我也很好奇是否有一种方法可以通过让 Java 打印出用于追踪数据结构的正确方法来解决这个问题?

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