java - 在 junit 测试中模拟 DateFormat 类

标签 java unit-testing junit mockito

我正在尝试模拟 DateFormat 类,因为它在我的单元测试范围内没有任何用处。我正在使用 org.mockito.Mockito 库。


import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.any;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;

import org.junit.Before;

public class someTest {

    DateFormat formatter; 

    public void before() {


org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.InvalidUseOfMatchersException: Invalid use of argument matchers! 3 matchers expected, 1 recorded:

-> at someTest.before(

This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values: //incorrect: someMethod(anyObject(), "raw String"); When using matchers, all arguments have to be provided by matchers. For example: //correct: someMethod(anyObject(), eq("String by matcher"));

For more info see javadoc for Matchers class.

at java.text.DateFormat.format(Unknown Source)
at someTest.before(

如何以正确的方式模拟 DateFormat 类?


问题在于 format(Date date) 的实现

public final String format(Date date) {
    return format(date, new StringBuffer(),

如您所见,这是最终的。 Mockito 不能模拟 final 方法。相反,它将调用真正的方法。 作为解决方法,您可以模拟方法 format(date, new StringBuffer(), DontCareFieldPosition.INSTANCE)

when(formatter.format(any(Date.class), any(StringBuffer.class), 
    .thenReturn(new StringBuffer("2017-02-06"));

因此,当方法 format(date) 调用您的模拟方法时,结果将如您所料。

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