java - try-with-resources 中的 catch 是否覆盖了括号中的代码?

标签 java try-with-resources

不清楚documentation try-with-resources 之后的 catch 是否覆盖了初始化部分。


    try (InputStream in = getSomeStream()) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("IOException: " + e.getMessage());

如果在 getSomeStream() 中抛出 IOException,是否会调用我的 catch

或者 catch 是否只覆盖大括号内的 block ,即 System.out.println(


来自JLS ,您的示例是扩展的 try-with-resources。

A try-with-resources statement with at least one catch clause and/or a finally clause is called an extended try-with-resources statement.


The effect of the translation is to put the resource specification "inside" the try statement. This allows a catch clause of an extended try-with-resources statement to catch an exception due to the automatic initialization or closing of any resource.

是的,异常将被您的 catch block 捕获。

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