java - 为什么 swagger 注释会生成带有默认路径前缀的 api-docs

标签 java spring-mvc swagger swagger-maven-plugin

我使用下面的 maven 插件将 swagger 与我的应用程序集成

我在我的 spring servlet xml 中配置了以下内容

<mvc:annotation-driven/> <!-- Required so swagger-springmvc can access spring's RequestMappingHandlerMapping  -->
<bean class="com.mangofactory.swagger.configuration.SpringSwaggerConfig" />


 <bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
        <property name="locations" >


我的 swagger 属性如下所示

我生成的 api-docs.json 如下所示,我不确定为什么它没有基本路径以及为什么它有前缀“/default”

apiVersion: "1.0",
swaggerVersion: "1.2",
apis: [
path: "/default/custom-controller",
description: "backupset API"
info: {
title: "default Title",
description: "Api Description",
termsOfServiceUrl: "Api terms of service",
contact: "Contact Email",
license: "Licence Type",
licenseUrl: "License URL"


这个“default”是一个“swagger group”的默认名称

A swagger group is a concept introduced by this library which is simply a unique identifier for a Swagger Resource Listing within your application. The reason this concept was introduced was to support applications which require more than one Resource Listing.

您通常只有一个组,它被命名为“默认”。如果你想改变它,你应该在SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin中设置一个组名。由您的 Swagger 配置创建。像这样:

public class MySwaggerConfig {
    private SpringSwaggerConfig springSwaggerConfig;

    public void setSpringSwaggerConfig(SpringSwaggerConfig springSwaggerConfig) {
      this.springSwaggerConfig = springSwaggerConfig;

    public SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin customImplementation() {
      return new SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin(this.springSwaggerConfig)

之后,您应该在 Swagger 中生成如下所示的 API JSON URL:

apis: [
    path: "/my-group/custom-controller",
    description: "backupset API"

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