java - 查找类名冲突和 jar 文件版本差异和冗余

标签 java class loading conflict


1 。类路径可能有两个不同的 jar,同一个类有不同的版本。 2.类加载问题。

虽然我们可以使用 jar 实用程序深入研究每个 jar ,但这将非常繁琐且容易出错。

是否有解决此类问题的工具或机制。 虽然类加载在现实中并不简单,但说说weblogic将如何对特定的ear文件进行类加载。


尝试tattletale ,它在 ant 和 maven 中都有效:

The tool will provide you with reports that can help you

  • Identify dependencies between JAR files
  • Find missing classes from the classpath
  • Spot if a class/package is located in multiple JAR files
  • Spot if the same JAR file is located in multiple locations
  • With a list of what each JAR file requires and provides
  • Verify the SerialVersionUID of a class
  • Find similar JAR files that have different version numbers
  • Find JAR files without a version number
  • Find unused JAR archives
  • Identify sealed / signed JAR archives
  • Locate a class in a JAR file
  • Get the OSGi status of your project
  • Remove black listed API usage

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