java - 如何确定fork-join任务的合适分工阈值

标签 java concurrency fork-join

看了Fork/Join Tutorial之后,我创建了一个用于计算大阶乘的类:

public class ForkFactorial extends RecursiveTask<BigInteger> {

    final int end;
    final int start;
    private static final int THRESHOLD = 10;

    public ForkFactorial(int n) {
        this(1, n + 1);

    private ForkFactorial(int start, int end) {
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;

    protected BigInteger compute() {
        if (end - start < THRESHOLD) {
            return computeDirectly();
        } else {
            int mid = (start + end) / 2;
            ForkFactorial lower = new ForkFactorial(start, mid);
            ForkFactorial upper = new ForkFactorial(mid, end);
            BigInteger upperVal = upper.compute();
            return lower.join().multiply(upperVal);

    private BigInteger computeDirectly() {
        BigInteger val = BigInteger.ONE;
        BigInteger mult = BigInteger.valueOf(start);
        for (int iter = start; iter < end; iter++, mult = mult.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
            val = val.multiply(mult);
        return val;

我的问题是如何确定我分割任务的阈值?我找到了一个 page on fork/join parallelism其中指出:

One of the main things to consider when implementing an algorithm using fork/join parallelism is chosing the threshold which determines whether a task will execute a sequential computation rather than forking parallel sub-tasks.

If the threshold is too large, then the program might not create enough tasks to fully take advantage of the available processors/cores.

If the threshold is too small, then the overhead of task creation and management could become significant.

In general, some experimentation will be necessary to find an appropriate threshold value.



PigeonHole估计:设置一个任意的Threshold,计算计算时间。 并根据它增加和减少阈值以查看您的计算时间是否有所改善,直到您通过降低阈值看不到任何改善。

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