linux - 终结者切换不透明度键盘快捷键

标签 linux ubuntu terminal terminator



Terminator 不支持更改背景不透明度或颜色的热键:

To my mind, rewriting the config file on the fly is the wrong way to achieve the things you want. A much better way would be the dbus server that we've started to introduce. It is designed to allow things running inside a terminal to communicate with Terminator and send commands that will affect the terminal. For now it only exposes commands for splitting, but over time I hope we will be able to extend this to include things like colours and transparencies, etc.

CompizConfig 允许您使用键盘快捷键更改任何窗口的不透明度。效果不同于终结者背景不透明度,但对我来说已经足够了——我想瞥一眼终端后面的网页。

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

CompizConfig Settings Manager > Opacity, Brightness and Saturation


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